The "Scots" that wis uised in this airticle wis written bi a body that haesna a guid grip on the leid. Pleasemak this airticle mair better gin ye can. (September 2020)
The ethnolinguistic divisions in Burma
Burma, kent forby asMyanmar an offeecially theRepublic o the Union o Myanmar, is the lairgest kintra bi geographical aurie in mainlandSootheast Asie. The kintra is bordered biFowkrepublic o Cheenae on the north-east,Laos on the aest,Thailand on the sooth-east,Bangladesh on the wast,Indie on the north-wast an theBay o Bengal tae the sooth-wast wi theAndaman Sea defining its soothern periphery. Ane-third o Burma's tot perimeter, 1,930 kilometers (1,199 mi), forms an uninterrupted coastline.
"Burma" is derived frae the Burmese wird "Bamar" (), which in turn is the colloquial form o Myanmar () (or Mranma in auldBurmese), baith o which historically referred tae the majorityBurmans (or the Bamar). Dependin on theregister uised the pronunciation wad be "Bama" (pronounced: [bəmà]), or "Myanmah" (pronounced: [mjəmà]). The name "Burma" haes been in uise in Inglis syne the time oBreetish colonial rule.
The kintra is dividit intae seiven states (ပြည်နယ်) an seiven regions (တိုင်းဒေသကြီး), umwhile cawed diveesions.[1] The annooncement on the renamin o diveesion tae regions wis made on 20 August 2010.[2] Regions are predominantlyBamar (that is, mainly inhabitit bi the dominant ethnic group). States, in essence, are regions which are hame tae parteecular ethnic minorities. The administrative diveesions are further subdividit intaedestricts, which are further subdividit intaetounships,wards, an veelages.
Belaw are the nummer o destricts, tounships, ceeties/touns, wards, veelage Groups an veelages in each diveesions an states o Burma.