Burgenland (help·info) is the eastmaist an least populousstate orLand oAustrick. It consists o twaStatutarstädte (towns with a charter) an seiven destricts wi in total 171 municipalities. It is 166 km lang frae north tae sooth but hintle narraeer frae wast tae east (5 km wide atSieggraben). The region is a pairt o theCentrope Project.
Burgenland is the 7t lairgest o Austrick's 9states, or Bundesländer, at 3,962 km². The heichest point in the province isGeschriebenstein, at 884 metres, the lawest point is 114 metres, near Apetlon.
Burgenland an Hungary share theNeusiedler See, kent for its reeds an shallaeness, as well as the mild climate throughoot the year. The Neusiedler See is Austrick's lairgest lake servin as a lairge tourist attraction bringin ornithologists, sailors, an wind an kite surfers intae the region north o the lake.