Bouches-du-Rhône is ane o the oreeginal 83 depairtments creatit durin theFrench Revolution on 4 Mairch 1790. It wis creatit frae the wastren pairt o theumwhile province oProvence an the principalities oOrange,Martigues, anLambesc. It lost pairt o its territory in 1793, includin Orange anApt, when theVaucluse depairtment wis creatit.
Follaein its creation, the depairtment wis immediately strangly an actively supportive o theFrench Revolution, containin 90"Jacobin Clubs" by 1794.[1] It wis an aa noteworthy that mair nor 50% o the priests in the depairtment acceptit theCeevil Constitution o the Clergy which in effect subordinatit the kirk tae the govrenment.[2] Durin the ascendancy o theCommunist Pairty in the twintiet century election results indicatit that support for left-wing politics remained relatively strang in the depairtment, an especially in the northren suburbs oMarseille.
The history o the aurie is closely linked tae that oProvence.Marseille haes been an important harbor syne aforeJulius Caesar's conquest oGaul. The Roman presence haes left numerous monuments athort the depairtment.
The depairtment is well representit in French airt.Paul Cézanne paintit numerous representations o the Mont Sainte-Victoire.Vincent van Gogh spent hintle o his life in Arles, paintin mony scenes in the aurie.