It wis foondit on 2 September 1850 bi Dr. Hermann Bruno Otto Blumenau alang wi 17Germanimmigrants. A few years laterFritz Müller migratit tae Blumenau as well.
As o 2006, Blumenau haed an estimatit population o 302,000 fowk, wi an aurie o 519 km². The main ethnic oreegin o the ceety indwallers areGerman[2] The ceety displays mony historical an cultural reminders o thair heritage, sic as hooses an ither biggins biggit in a tradeetional German style, statues, an memorials.
Blumenau, compared tae ither Brazilian ceeties, haes a vera heich staundart o livin, wi aHuman Development Index o 0.855 as o 2000.[3]
The ceety is locatit in a valley bisectit bi theItajaí-Açu River, surroondit bi hills wi forests. The lawer auries, includin touers an taw biggins in the ceety center, constantly suffer frae the threat o floods. Blumenau's first recordit fluid teuk place in the dawn on 23 September 1880. The warst teuk place in 1983 an 1984, whan the ceety wis completely isolatit for weeks. The day, Blumenau is well-prepared against sic threats, but mony ceetizens prefer tae live in heicher auries spread intae the nearbi hills an plains tae avoid floodin. Housomeivver, this plannin coud no avoid an even warsefloodin in late November 2008, killin ower 100 an thoosans evacuatit.
The climate o Blumenau is considered tae be subtropical, a climate o transition atween the predominantly tropical climate o Brazil an the predominantly temperate climate oArgentinae. Unner theKöppen climate classification, the ceety haes a wairm,humid subtropical climate.
Blumenau, lik the entire state oSanta Catarina is locatit sooth o theTropic o Capricorn; tharefore it is mild in the winter wi temperaturs averagin 16.6 °C (61 °F) an wairm an humid in the simmer wi temperaturs averagin aroond 30 °C (87 °F).
Blumenau is emphasisit in ither industrial sectors sic as metallurgical, mechanical an electrical equipment an aw, an is the lairgest producer o pole transformers in Brazil.
Haes a strang economy, boostit bi strang trade, service an tourism events, wi exhibitions o internaitional projection, which are generally held inGerman Village.
A new mercat, but expandin rapidly is the production obeer craft, sic asEisenbahn.
In 2005, the ceety haes an export o products equivalent tae US$405 million (R$820 million), representin 6.1% o exports o the state in this year.
The Secretariat o Tourism o Blumenau maintain 4 tour routes coverin different aspects o the ceety. An besides thir, anither attraction is the festival o the municipality.An aw, theOktoberfest o Blumenau, held ivery October attracts ower a million tourists ivery year.