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Black Sea

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This airticle is aboot the body o watter. For ither uisses, seeBlack Sea (disambiguation).
Black Sea inBatumi,Georgie
Swallae's Nest in Crimea, Ukraine

TheBlack Sea is asea in sooth-eastren Europe. It is bund biEurope,Anatolie an theCaucasus an is ultimately connectit tae theAtlantic Ocean via theMediterranean an theAegean Seas an sindriestraits. TheBosphorus Strait connects it tae theSea o Marmara, an the Strait o theDardanelles connects that sea tae the Aegean Sea region o the Mediterranean. Thir watters sinderseastren Europe anwastren Asie. The Black Sea is connectit tae theSea o Azov forby, bi theStrait o Kerch.

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