The "Scots" that wis uised in this airticle wis written bi a body that haesna a guid grip on the leid. Pleasemak this airticle mair better gin ye can. (December 2020)
Bizerte is kent as the auldest an maist European ceety in Tunisie. It wis foondit aroond 1000 BC biPhoeniciens fraeTyre. It is forby kent as the last toun tae remain unner French control efter the rest o the kintra wan its independence fraeFraunce.
Initially a sma Phoenician harbour, the ceety came unner the influence oCarthage efter the defeat oAgathocles durin thePunic Wars. The ceety wis then occupied bi theRomans, unner the name o Hippo Diarrhytus or Hippo Zarrytus.
Bizerte wis successively conquered bi theArabs in 647 (who gave the ceety its current name), bi the troops oCharles V o the Holy Roman Empire in 1535, an then bi theTurks in 1574. The ceety then became acorsair harbour an struggled against the French an the Venetians.
Wi the occupation o Tunisie in 1880, Fraunce gained control of Bizerte an built a lairge naval harbour in the ceety.
In 1924, efter the French government officially recognised the Soviet Union (USSR),the wastren military fleet o White Roushie that haed been kept in the port o Bizerte wis returned tae the Soviet government. The ships niver moved frae the port an finally wur sauld there as scrap metal.
Durin theSeicont Warld War, Bizerte wis occupied bi the German Airmy an wis retaken bi American troops on 7 May 1943. Durin the fechtin atween the Allied forces an the German Army, mony o the ceety inhabitants fled tae the kintraside orTunis. The ceety haed suffered significant damge durin the battle[1].
Due tae Bizerte's strategic location on theMediterranean,Fraunce wantit tae retain its naval base there. Fraunce accordinly kept control o the ceety even efter Tunisie gained its independence in 1956. The ceety wis blockadit in 1961 bi the Tunisian Army and Navy, and then attacked. Fraunce respondit bi droppin 7,000 paratroopers an sendin in three warships. Thethree day battle resultit in 700 deid an 1,200 woondit amangst the Tunisians (who includit civilian volunteers) at the cost o 24 deid an 100 woondit amangst the French forces.
The French military finally abandoned Bizerte on 15 October 1963.