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The Bible, sometimes ca'dThe GuidBeuk is the name gien tae the gaitherin o scrievins hauden as haly biChristians. The first pairt o it, cried theAuld Testament is hauden tae be haly bi theJews an aw. The Bible wis written bi mony scrievers (aiblins aboot fowery) ower a lang period o time (no kenned for certain, but atween the 6t century BC tae the end o the first century AD is the ordinar time-frame).

Pairts an Beuks o the Bible

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The Bible is skailed in twa - the first thirty-nine beuks is criedThe Auld Testament, an the twinty-sieven ithers is criedThe New Testament. The twa Testaments is furder skailed intae beuks, syne chaipters, an thir is syne dividit intae verses. Sae the referenceJohn 3:16, for exemplar, meansGospel o John, chaipter three, verse saxteen. It shoud be merkit that the diveesion intil chaipters an verses isna oreeginal tae the texts, or o ony releegious importance - it is alanerly a reference seestem for tae mak findin verses easier.

The Auld Testament

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The Auld Testament is hauden as haly bi Jews forby Christians. It haes mony kynds o leeteratur in it; fowklair, law, history, musardry, weirdins etc. It is lmaistlins anent the Jewish fowk - their laws, history an releegious warsels. It stairts wi an acoont o the makkin o the yird an ends some time in the fowert century BC efter the Jewish retour frae exile inPersie. Christians jalouses thatThe Auld Testament haes weirdins anentJesus thet he foufillt - sic as the steid o his birth, the mainer o his daith an yirdin etc.

The New Testament

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The New Testament haes the twinty-sieven screivins hauden as haly bi Christians but no bi Jews. The first fower beuks is cryedThe Gospels an tells o the life an lair o Jesus. Forby the Gospels, the New Testament haesThe Acts o the Apostles - an acoont o the first thirty year or sae o the Kirk's history; mony letters tae the kirks an indiveeduals bi arrly kirk leaders sic asSaunt Paul anSaunt Jeems. The last beuk o the New Testament isThe Beuk o Revelation that is a weirdin anent the end o the warld.


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Oreeginal Leids

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The Auld Testament wis oreeginally scrieven in theEbreu leid, wi a tait passages in theAramaic. It wis pitten ower intilKoine Greek atween the third an first century BC bi Jewish scholars inAlexandria,Egypt; syne the Jewish fowk there spakna Ebrua at that time. This translate, cried theSeptuagint (or juist LXX) micht hae been the version o the screepturs uised bi some o the screivers oThe New Testament.
Maist scholars jalouse thatThe New Testament wis first scrieven inKoine Greek, thelingua franca o the Mediterranean warld at the time. This wis sae that fowk that warna Jews an coudna unnerstaund Ebreu coud hae access tae the new releegion oChristianity that cam intil bein an growed wi the scrievin o the documents that maks upThe New Testament. Gin the documents wis screiven in Koine Greek, they are amang the gey few lang documents in that leid. This is acause eddicated fowk (i.e. the fowk maist like tae scrieve lang prose) tendit tae uiseClessical Greek, jalousin that Koine wis ower common an no suitit for formal scrievin. Some fowk, housome'er, threap that at least some oThe New Testament wis composed in Aramaic at first an syne pitten ower intil Greek, syne Jesus an his follaers is for ordinar jaloused tae hae uised Aramaic as their ilka day leid. An auld document bi an earlyKirk Faither cried Papias scrieved that Matthew scrieved his Gospel in aither Ebrue or Aramaic, but this is disputit bi maist modren scholars. It is possible, housome'er that syne the early kirk wis multi-lingual, a twa-three versions o the documents in deeferent leids - sic as Greek, Aramaic anLaitin micht hae been patent at the time, an influenced the oncome o ilk ither.

Translates intil Scots

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Relatit page:The Psalms: frae Hebrew intil Scottis

As yet, nae translate o the hail Bible in Scots haes been setten furth.The New Testament haes been pitten ower three tymes. The first wis biMurdoch Nisbet, wha pit it ower frae John Purvey's Inglis reveesion o Wyclif. This wis duin aboot 1520, but wisna patent until the airly 20t century. Nisbet's translate is the maist muckle o aw theNew Testament translators syne haed pitten ower some pairts o theAuld Testament an aw.
William Wye Smith's last reveesion o his wark wis in 1924. It is a guid translate, but again wis frae the Ingles raither nor the Greek.
The maist kenspeckle translate oThe New Testament, housome'er, wis biWilliam Laughton Lorimer. His wark wis pitten ower straucht frae the Greek an is for ordinar hailed as ane o the maist important warks o Scots prose in mony centuries.
Forby thon, there haes been twa translates oRuth,The Saums anMatthew; ane oGenesis,Proverbs anIsaiah an nae less nor five oThe Sang o Solomon an aeSelection frae the Gospels Thon's o varyin quality wi maist bein taen frae ithir translates intil Inglis an no frae the oreeginal leids.

Fremmit airtins

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  • Worship in Scots: "The following worship materials are written in the Scots language and can be used in regular worship, private devotions, Scots language services and bilingual worship." (frae theKirk o Scotland)
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