Balashikha is an unuisual name in Roushie an several legends exist as tae why it wis chosen as the name o this conurbation. The wirdbalash isTurkic an can be translatit asan inn, i.e., a place o temporar respite for travelers. Anither accoont tells o a walthyTatar, namit Balash, a stryndant oGenghis Khan o theGowden Horde who haed his residence on this steid. Maist uisual explanation is that it derivit frae the wirdbalakh, which meanscaltha palustris plant. Anither version: in [[Finno-Ugric leids Bala-shika meanslaund o celebrations, laund o laughter an fun.[9] BeforeSlavs in this aurie lived Finno-Ugric fowks.
Balashikha wis establisht in 1830.[2] It grantit toun status in 1939.[10] Several landwart hamlets haed existit lang afore on the steid o the modren ceety.
The ceety staunds on the famousVladimir Heich-gate, which led oot o Moscow tae the east. This wis the route alang which convictit creeminals wur mairched tae forcit labor camps inSiberie. The road wis renamitGorky Heich-gate in the Soviet era. The failur o theDizembrist Revolt againstTsar Nicholas I led tae the execution o its ringleaders an the exile o mony nobles tae Siberie. Soviet-era schuilchilder wur tauld that the preesoners wur mairched in chains alang this road follaeed bi thair wives. In truth, the Dizembrist preesoners wur sent fraeSt. Petersburg, then the caipital o Roushie, throu Yaroslavl, an no throu Moscow an Balashikha, an the story wis inventit as pairt o celebrations o the 100t anniversary o the event in 1925.
Atween 1830 an 1870, a cotton factory wis in operation in the aurie, wi its fabric cried Balashikha. A railwey station wis biggit at the end o the 19t century, again cried Balashikha Station.
As it grew, Balashikha absorbit ither veelages, includin Gorenki, a suburban estate o CoontAndrey Razumovsky, an Pekhra-Yakovlevskoye, an estate o PrinceGalitzine, the latter bein in uise for 250 years frae 1591 tae 1828. This is the steid o a stane kirk, biggit frae 1777 tae 1782.
Saltykovka, a pairt o Balashikha, haes lang been kent for its attractions tae the airtistic commonty.Isaak Levitan, the famous landscape painter, livit thare in 1879.Lev Tolstoy wis anither frequent visitor.
Several institutions wur foondit in Balashikha efter theOctober Revolution, includin ane dedicatit tae the production of fur.
Durin the Soviet era, Balashikha became a major industrial centre wi industries in metallurgie, aviation industrie, cryogenic technologie, machinery, an ither fields.
Balashikha sent mony o its sons tae the front tae fecht the Germans durin Warld War II. Amang those who focht an dee'd wis Ivan Fleorov who commandit aKatyusha rocket diveesion an is remembered bi several monuments an museums in the aurie.
Alang wi mony itherRoushie Orthodox Kirks, the Cathedral o SauntAlexander Nevsky wis demolisht bi the govrenment. The Cathedral wis blown up in the 1960s but wis rebuilt, on its oreeginal steid, in 2002 efter the collapse o communism.
Balashikha is the steid o a lairgeRoushie Airmy base an wis closed tae foreigners durin the Soviet era. It wis the heidquairters o the 1st Corps o theSoviet Air Defence Forces an is nou tae acome the heidquairters o the Operational-Strategic Command for Missile-Space Defence.
It is hame tae several muisic schuils an aw, includin theSviridov Schuil o Airts.
Lenina Avenue in BalashikhaBalashikha radio touer - 300-metres mast left an 176-metres touer on the richt
The Balashikha Maternity Hoose wis designatit on 1 Julie 2003, tae be the Moscow Oblast Perinatal Center. This facility will nou function as a regional perinatal care facility for heich-risk mithers an infants an a perinatal halth eddication centre for Moscow Oblast.
Awtho no pairt o the extensive Moscow subwey seestem, Balashikha is hame tae mony office wirkers who commute tae Moscow each day. It haes several thrivin mercats an retail centers an is quickly modrenizin. It is surroondit bi attractive firthland an kintraside.
Source: "Balashikha in stories" (Балашиха в очерках и зарисовках) - А. Галанин и др.
The ceety is kent for its unique river an watterwey seestem. The Pekhorka River seestem covers an aurie o 40 kilometer (25 mi) frae north tae sooth an 20 kilometer (12 mi) frae east tae wast, an mony sma lakes an ponds wur creatit bi dammin tae provide watter power for the cotton mills in the 19t century.
↑"Об исчислении времени".Официальный интернет-портал правовой информации (in Roushie). 3 Juin 2011. Retrieved19 Januar 2019.CS1 maint: unrecognised leid (link)
↑Почта России. Информационно-вычислительный центр ОАСУ РПО. (Russian Post).Поиск объектов почтовой связи (Postal Objects Search)(in Roushie)
Московская областная Дума. Закон №11/2013-ОЗ от 31 января 2013 г. «Об административно-территориальном устройстве Московской области», в ред. Закона №72/2015-ОЗ от 5 мая 2015 г. «Об отнесении города Озёры Озёрского района Московской области к категории города областного подчинения Московской области, упразднении Озёрского района Московской области и внесении изменений в Закон Московской области "Об административно-территориальном устройстве Московской области"». Вступил в силу на следующий день после официального опубликования (13 января 2013 г.). Опубликован: "Ежедневные Новости. Подмосковье", №24, 12 февраля 2013 г. (Moscow Oblast Duma. Law #11/2013-OZ of Januar 31, 2013On the Admeenistrative-Territorial Structur o Moscow Oblast, as amended by the Law #72/2015-OZ of Mey 5, 2015On Re-Clessifeein the Toun o Ozyory in Ozyorsky Destrict o Moscow Oblast as the Toun Unner Oblast Jurisdiction, on Abolishin Ozyorsky Destrict o Moscow Oblast, an on Amendin the Law o Moscow Oblast "On the Admeenistrative-Territorial Structur o Moscow Oblast". Effective as of the day follaein the day o the offeecial publication (Januar 13, 2013).).
Московская областная Дума. Закон №99/2006-ОЗ от 7 июля 2006 г. «О городском округе Балашиха и его границе», в ред. Закона №101/2012-ОЗ от 6 июля 2012 г. «О внесении изменений в Закон Московской области "О городском округе Балашиха и его границе"». Вступил в силу на следующий день после официального опубликования. Опубликован: "Ежедневные Новости. Подмосковье", №123, 11 июля 2006 г. (Moscow Oblast Duma. Law #99/2006-OZ of July 7, 2006On Balashikha Urban Okrug and Its Border, as amended by the Law #101/2012-OZ of July 6, 2012On Amending the Law of Moscow Oblast "On Balashikha Urban Okrug and Its Border". Effective as of the day following the day of the official publication.).