Lorenzo Romano Amedeo Carlo Avogadro di Quaregna e di Cerreto,[1]Coont oQuaregna anCerreto (9 August 1776,Turin,Piedmont – 9 Julie 1856) wis anItalianscientist, maist notit for his contreibution taemolecular theory nou kent asAvogadro's law, that states that equal vollums o gases unner the same condeetions o temperatur an pressur will conteen equal nummers o molecules. In tribute tae him, the nummer o elementar entities (atoms,molecules,ions or ither particles) in 1mole o a substance,7023602214085700000♠6.022140857(74)×1023, is kent as theAvogadro constant, ane o the seivenSI base units an representit biNA.