Alcobendas (Spaingie pronunciation: [alkoˈβendas]) is aceety locatit in theCommonty o Madrid, centralSpain. It is locatit roughly 13 kilometre (8 mi) north oMadrid an 7 kilometre (4 mi) fraeMadrid-Barajas Airport. It includes a central urban zone, a recently biggit destrict kent asValdelasfuentes,La Moraleja anEl Soto de la Moraleja residential zones, the Valdelatasnature reserve an a lichtindustrial estate. A huge business pairk criedValdelacasa for heich-tech firms is bein biggit. It is the location o a basketbaw museum organisit bi thePedro Ferrándiz Foundation whaur theFIBA Hall of Fame is locatit.
Ance a wirkin cless aurie, it haes in mair recent times become ane o the mair socially an economically affluent auries o the Madrid metropolitan aurie an conteens the neighbourheid oLa Moraleja an aw.
Alcobendas in is the B1 zone for Madrid's transport netwirk. Both Alcobendas an its neebour ceety,San Sebastián de los Reyes are connectit wi Madrid wi buses operatit bi the 'Interbús' bus company. Thare are currently aichtbus lines that go tae an from different destricts o Alcobendas tae Plaza de Castilla (the hub for public transport tae northren Madrid). Alcobendas haes aicht bus lines that connect the different zones o Alcobendas atween thaitsels.
Alcobendas presently haes fower Metro stations (La Granja,La Moraleja,Marqués de la Valdavia anManuel de Falla) which are aw online 10 o theMadrid Metro netwirk. These stations wur opened biEsperanza Aguirre, then Preses o the Autonomous Commonty o Madrid.
Buses goin tae an frae Plaza de Castilla are: 151 Madrid (Pza. Castilla) - Alcobendas (FF.CC) 153 Madrid (Pza. Castilla) - Alcobendas (Rosa Luxemburgo) 153B a.k.a.B53 Madrid (Pinar de Chamartín) - Alcobendas (Rosa Luxemburgo) 155 Madrid (Pza. Castilla) - Alcobendas (El Soto de la Moraleja) 155B a.k.a.B55 Madrid (Pza. Castilla) - Alcobendas (El Encinar de los Reyes) 157 Madrid (Pza. Castilla) - Alcobendas (Pº de la Chopera) 157C a.k.a.C57 Madrid (Pza. Castilla) - Alcobendas (Valdelasfuentes) 159 Madrid (Pza. Castilla) - Alcobendas (Arroyo de la Vega)
Buses connectin different pairts o Alcobendas are: L-1 Arroyo de la Vega - El Soto de la Moraleja - La Moraleja L-2 Alcobendas - La Moraleja [via Pº Alcobendas] L-3 Arroyo de la Vega - El Soto de la Moraleja - El Encinar de los Reyes L-5 San Sebastián de los Reyes - Alcobendas - El Soto de la Moraleja L-6 Valdelasfuentes (FF.CC) - Polígono Industrial L-9 Alcobendas (FF.CC) - Arroyo de la Vega
Twa further circular lines are: C10 Valdelasfuentes - Arroyo de la Vega - Valdelasfuentes C11 Arroyo de la Vega - Valdelasfuentes - Arroyo de la Vega
Cercanías Train
Alcobendas haes twa suburban railwey stations an aw (ane shared wiSan Sebastián de los Reyes): Valdelasfuentes an Alcobendas-San Sebastián de los Reyes. Baith shape pairt o theC-4a Cercanías line an can get taeSol an Atocha in hauf a oor.
Private Transport
Alobendas is easily reached bi caur as well. Thare are a nummer o motorweys goin roond Alcobendas an throu it. Airport access is perfect wi the recently biggit motorwey kent as theM-12 which connects theCanillejas destrict oMadrid wiMadrid-Barajas Airport an endin up in the Arroyo de la Vega aurie o Alcobendas
Leet o motorweys an main roads that go throu Alcobendas:A-1-Autovía del Norte R-2-Radial 2 (Madrid-Guadalajara) M-50-Autopista M-50 M-12-Autopista Eje-Aeropuerto M-603-Carretera de Fuencarral a Alcobendas M-616-Carretera de El Pardo a Alcobendas
The difficulty o pairkin in Alcobendas varies dependin on which destrict you are pairkin in. In theCasco destrict it is challengin tae fynd a pairkin space. Housomeivver this problem is no posit in the newer auries whaur ample pairkin facilities are available.
Penélope Cruz, actress. Durin the2008 Oscar Ceremony, efter receivin the prize for best Supporting Actress, she openly acknawledgit the municipality in her acceptance speech.
Marcos Pérez Jiménez, umwhile Venezuelan dictator. Residence efter bein exiled frae Venezuela whaur he livit till his daith in 2001.