The29t o Februar is the 60t day o a lowp year in the Gregorian Calendar, wi 306 days ti come.
Lowp year
Leap Year date in2008 in a Swadish pocket calendar
The29t o Februar occurs in years divisible bi 4 (sic as2016 or2020), acause the year is slichtly langer than 365 days, an in century years divisible bi 400 (sic as1600 or2000). The Julian calendar incluidit this date every century year, leadin tae the introduction o the Gregorian calendar inRoman Catholic kintras in1582, an in theBreetish Empire in1752. Ither kintras did sae much later.
It is said tae be tradeetional on this date for weemen tae propose marriage tae men. Fowk born on this date are said tae be "leaplings" an celebrate on28 Februar or1 Mairch in ither years.