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Looking back from space, astronaut Edgar Mitchell once called Earth “a sparkling blue and white jewel.” NASA has a unique vantage point for observing the beauty and wonder of Earth while trying to make sense of it.

Ice breaking up off the Russian coast.
Featured Gallery

Fall Colors

As green chlorophyll fades from trees and plants each autumn, other pigments color Earth’s landscapes. Satellites take leaf-peeping to a whole new level.

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The Alaskan tundra puts on a fleeting display of color before the snows fall and bears hibernate.
The Alaskan tundra puts on a fleeting display of color before the snows fall and bears hibernate.
Credit: NASA Earth Observatory

Scientific Visualization Studio

NASA's Scientific Visualization Studio produces visualizations, animations, and images in order to promote a greater understanding of Earth and Space Sciences. They work closely with scientists — both within the NASA community, and within the broader academic research community — to create high-quality, data-backed visualizations.

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Illustrated map of the United States shows the paths of two eclipses in 2024. Both cross the same spot in Texas, near San Antonio.
Using observations from different NASA missions, this map shows where the Moon’s shadow will cross the U.S. during the 2023 annular solar eclipse and 2024 total solar eclipse. The map was developed by NASA's Scientific Visualization Studio (SVS) in collaboration with the NASA Heliophysics Activation Team (NASA HEAT), part of NASA’s Science Activation portfolio. -Download the full map
NASA/Scientific Visualization Studio/Michala Garrison; eclipse calculations by Ernie Wright, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Earth Observatory

NASA's Earth Observatory brings you the Earth, every day. They share with the public the images, stories, and discoveries about the environment, Earth systems, and climate that emerge from NASA research, including its satellite missions, in-the-field research, and models.

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NASA / Earth Observatory

Other Galleries

Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth

Astronauts photograph the Earth from their unique point of view in low Earth orbit. Photographs record how the planet is changing over time, from human-caused changes like urban growth and reservoir construction, to natural dynamic events such as hurricanes, floods and volcanic eruptions.


Publicly released images from various Earth missions and other Solar System exploration programs.

Visible Earth

A catalog of NASA images and animations of our home planet.

Worldview Image of the Week

Each week, Earthdata features a new image showcasing the data and visualizations available within Worldview.

Sea Surface Temperature, July 2023

Global Maps

A collection of global maps showing change over time from 15 different datasets.

Virtual Posters and Backgrounds

This 2024 Earth Day poster is an ocean themed vertical 15x30 illustration created from NASA satellite cloud imagery overlaid on ocean data. The white cloud imagery wraps around shapes, defining three whales and a school of fish. Swirly cloud patterns, called Von Kármán Vortices, create the feeling of movement in the composition. The focal point is a cyclone in the upper third of the poster. At the center flies the recently launched PACE satellite. The ocean imagery – composed of blues, aquas, and greens – is filled with subtle color changes and undulating patterns created by churning sediment, organic matter and phytoplankton.

Earth Day Poster Series

Download and print a high resolution posters or save the wallpaper to use as your computer desktop or mobile device virtual background.

Science Explorers Poster Series

