Date of Award
Spring 2020
Thesis Type
Open Access
Degree Name
Honors Bachelor of Arts
Political Science
Dr. Dan Chong
Committee Member
Dr. Eren Tatari
Committee Member
Dr. Joan Davison
The following thesis looks at the role of linguistic rights and proper language policy for regional minority languages in the reduction of political conflict in developed states. As renewed interest in the maintenance of regional minority languages grew in the second half of the 20th-century states' reactions to this call for linguistic rights, have informed the level of conflict seen with various linguistic minorities. The paper hopes to make a case for a system of rights and protections similar to those presented in the Oslo Recommendations (1998) as an optimal path for the reduction of conflict in developed states by looking at the policies of the United Kingdom, France, and Canada.
Recommended Citation
Brant, Colin, "Communication and Culture: The Role of Language Policy on Regional Minority Languages in the Reduction of Political Conflict" (2020).Honors Program Theses. 104.
Rights Holder
Colin Brant