ForumsScala Users
for general Scala questions, discussion and library announcements.
Scala Contributors
for Scala contributions, language evolution discussions, standard library, Scala platform evolution discussions and more.
Upcoming Events and Trainings
Popular ways to connect with the Scala community include forums, chat rooms,local user groups, and conferences.
The community is also the source of many libraries, tools, and other resourcesaround Scala.
The Scala Center operates the following Discourse forums: The main forum forquestions, discussions, and announcements about programming in Scala. Beginnerquestions are very welcome. Any question can and should receive a courteousand insightful answer. (Replaces the old scala-user and scala-announcegroups.) Foranything related to moving Scala forward; from Scala Platform librarydiscussions, to Scala Improvement Process discussions, to development work onthe Scala compiler, standard library, and modules. Core maintainers andopen-source contributors are both welcome, as well as those who want to seewhat’s coming down the pipe and would like to be involved. (Replaces the oldscala-internals, scala-language, scala-debate, scala-sips, and scala-toolsgroups.)
teachers.scala-lang: Discussionsrelated to the usage of Scala to teach programming: material, tooling,guidelines.
Discourse is an open-source forum and mailing list platform. You can participatevia the web, or you can use “mailing list mode”, where you receive posts in yourinbox and can reply to them via email. The web interface provides statistics,upvoting, polls, and other features. Posts can be written in Markdown, includingsyntax highlighting.
These forums are covered by theScala Code of Conduct.
Akka operates a Discourse forum as well:
- For discussion ofthe Akka libraries, Akka SDK, and reactive architectures.
Chat rooms
Our main chat platform is Discord, and the main Scala server is:
- Scala
- the #scala-users channel is especially beginner-friendly
- the #scala-contributors channel is about moving Scala forward
- the #jobs channel is the only place we allow job postings
- ask on #admin if you have questions or suggestions about the server itself
- there are many other channels, including #spark, #scala-js, and #scala-native
The server is covered by theScala Code of Conduct.
Alternate clients such asElement are supported via aMatrix bridge. Connect
toaccess the main Discord channel, or
to seechannels from all over the Scala community (many are bridged in from otherplaces like Discord, Gitter, or IRC).
Scala-oriented Discord servers operated by the community include:
- IntelliJ: the IntelliJ IDEA developmentenvironment
- Scalameta: Scalameta-based tooling: Metals,Scalameta, Scalafix, Scalafmt, and Mdoc
- Play Framework: the Play web frameworkfor Scala and Java
- Typelevel: the Typelevel ecosystem forpure-functional programming in Scala
- ZIO: the ZIO ecosystem for Type-safe,composable asynchronous and concurrent programming in Scala
- Laminar: the Laminar, Native Scala.jslibrary for building user interfaces
- Smithy4s: the smithy4s for generatingScala code from Smithy files.
- indigo: the Indigo, Scala 2D game enginebased on functional programming
- Scala Space: Discord server for VirtusLab’sand Software Mill’s open source projects
- Business4s: Scala community focusedon product development and business
- Creative Scala: Making Scala fun throughnon-traditional means
English-language Scala rooms on other chat platforms besides Discord include:
International chat rooms are available as well:
- Scala Fr (Discord)
- scala/it (Discord)
- Scala Jp (Discord)
- Scala India (Discord)
- Scala Poland(Slack)
- scala_ru (Telegram)
- Scala Ukraine (Telegram)
Note also that Stack Overflow offers languages other than English, for examplethe scala tag on
See ourevents page.
TheScalendar monthly newsletter lists upcoming events.
Scala user groups may be listed onMeetup.
We update the following lists of meetups from time to time. Pullrequests with updates are also welcome. (Old meetups are removedwhen they haven’t had a Scala event in the last year.)
- Amsterdam
- Berlin Brandenburg
- Budapest
- Gdansk
- Kraków
- Lisbon
- London
- Madrid
- Oslo
- Paris
- Porto
- Stockholm
- UK and Europe
- Warsaw
- Wrocław
- Zürich
North America
Volunteers organizing free introductory Scala programming workshops forunderrepresented groups, to improve diversity in the Scala community.
Tooling summits
Scala tooling summit is an event with a purpose of bringing together maintainersof build tools, linters, IDEs, and other tools. These summits are usually heldalongside major Scala conferences. During the event they discuss ongoingproblems within the tooling ecosystem and work towards solving them.
Previously held tooling summits:
- Scala Tooling Summit of September 2023
- Scala Tooling Summit of March 2023
The announcement of each new tooling summit will be public.
The Scala Center
The Scala Center is an open source foundation thatbrings together a coalition of individuals and organizations working togetherto contribute to Scala. See theCenter’s FAQ.
Ambassadors are key figures in the Scala community: speakers, organizers,teachers, content creators, open source maintainers, and so on. They are oftenpresent at community events, or open to answering questions.
To learn more and discover who is an ambassador near you: see the dedicatedScala Ambassadors page.
Scala jobs
Employers and job seekers can find each other in the #jobs channel of theScala Discord.
Job postings are not allowed in our other forums and chat rooms.
TheScala Reddit has a monthly “who ishiring?” thread.
Scala on LinkedIn
TheScala Enthusiasts Group is aplace for Scala professionals to share information and come into contact withpeople and companies using Scala.
Stack Overflow
Scala is an activetopic on Stack Overflow, avery popular programmer Q&A site.
There is a large and active Scala community on the community-managed/r/Scala subreddit.
Sources of Scala news
- Blog/News Page on this site
- @scala-lang on Bluesky
- @scala_lang on Mastodon
- @scala_lang on X
- Scala Times weekly Scala newspaper
- This Week in Scala weekly Scala newspaper
- Scala News source for Scala news and blog feeds
- Scala Space podcast by VirtusLab and SoftwareMill
Many Scala users are active on social media, sharing Scala-relatednews items and opinions. Ask your Scala friends who they follow.
Learning resources
OurOnline Courses page lists coursesoffered by the Scala Center as well as paid courses from Rock the JVM.
OurBooks page offers a smallselection of Scala books (many others exist).
There are too many other Scala learning resources out there for anylist to be exhaustive, but here are a few:
Libraries and tools
Integrated Development Environments:
- Scala IDEs discusses main Scala IDEs
Finding libraries:
- Scaladex, maintained by the Scala Center, is“an index of the known Scala ecosystem”
- Awesome Scala is “a community drivenlist of useful Scala libraries, frameworks and software”
- provides an assortment of popularlibraries and extensions to Scala.
- Trending Scala repositorieson GitHub
Staying current:
- Scala Times includes library releases
- #ThisWeekInScalaincludes library releases
Non-JVM platforms
- Scala.js compiles Scala code to JavaScript
- Scala Native compiles Scala code to LLVM fornative execution
- Scala on Android community site
TheScala Discord has #scala-js, #scala-native, and #scala-android channels.
To receive security announcements or contact us about security issues, see oursecurity policy.
Reporting issues
If you’re having a problem with Scala, your first line of defense is our forumsand chat rooms. The unexpected behavior you’re seeing might not be a bug.Especially if you’re new to the language, it’s best to discuss the matter withmore experienced users before filing a bug report.
That said, bugs do occur and bug reports are valuable. You can report bugs here:
Scala 2 compiler, standard library, and language spec:
Scala 3 compiler and standard library additions:
Don’t forget to search past issues first to see if the issue has already beenreported.
Scala open source
Want to start making open-source contributions to projects in the Scalaecosystem?
Scaladex listsprojects welcoming contributions.
Also, on GitHub, a common convention is to use the label “good first issue” onissues that are especially easy on-ramps to getting started in a particularrepo:
- “good first issue” tickets:GitHub link
And, some repos also use a “help wanted” label if the maintainers especiallydesire contributor attention:
- “help wanted” tickets:GitHub link
Phil Bagwell Memorial Scala Community Award
ThePhil Bagwell Memorial Scala Community Award isgiven to individuals who have made significant efforts to grow the ScalaCommunity.
Read-only archives of these retired groups remain available.