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About Sails

The Sails framework was developed by Mike McNeil to assist his team in building scalable Node.js projects for startup and enterprise customers. Since its release in 2012, Sails has become one of the most widely-used web application frameworks in the world.

The company

The Sails Company was founded by the original author and maintainers of the Sails framework. In addition to free and open-source software, The Sails Company offers afull-service web & mobile studio andprofessional support for the tools we maintain. Our close-knit team consists of experienced engineers and product people who can assist with everything from strategy, to interface design, to architecture and implementation. Specialties include advanced UIs, realtime technologies like WebSockets, and modern enterprise-grade web and mobile applications.

Mike McNeil
Kelvin Omereshone
Eric Shaw

Our philosophy

We aim to improve the day to day experience of server-side development, and make it more accessible to people of all experience levels and backgrounds. Above all, we strive to help developers build their apps more efficiently, and with less risk. But we’re also committed to providing high-quality tools, services, and educational resources that make server-side development more transparent— so thatsomeday, anyone who can understand basic backend concepts can build an app.

What we do

The Sails Company is the primary sponsor of the Sails framework and related open-source projects, such as Waterline, Skipper, and the Node Machine specification. We develop frameworks and tools that empower JavaScript developers to reach new levels of productivity, and we provide professional services andsupport to make the process of Node.js development dramatically faster and easier for organizations.

If you are interested in hiring us for a (realistically-funded) project,drop us a line.

Treeline IDE
Node Machine

Built with Love

The Sails framework is built by aweb & mobile shop in Austin, TX, with the help of our contributors. We created Sails in 2012 to assist us on Node.js projects. Naturally we open-sourced it. We hope it makes your life a little bit easier!


© 2012-2025 The Sails Company
The Sails framework is free and open-source under the MIT License. 
Illustrations byEdamame.

