


Bad Rooms | LD55 Casual Entry

Casual entry for Ludum Dare 55


  • 1-4 players vs 0-3 CPU players (max 4)
  • Winner is last Wizard standing


  • P1: X/C cycle spells + Arrow keys to move (alternative keys for X/C on some keyboard layouts may include Z/V)
  • P2-P4: Controllers


  • Goblin A - Fast melee only goblin who attacks closest enemy
  • Goblin B - Ranged goblin who backs away from nearby enemies
  • Goblin C- Tanky goblin who moves slowly
  • Fireball- Damaging ranged attack with a slower recovery time between spells
  • Buff- Grants player increase damage resistence, increased melee damage, or a ranged weapon 

Development log


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This is bangin'. Local multiplayer is so much fun. I you have friends that is obv. controller needed. Not all on one keyboard.

You can manage two people on a keyboard, SEDF + QW i think. I decided to limit it to max 4 players but maybe I should do the post-jam version to up it to the maximum of 8 players… It would get a biy crowded though!

Really nice little game.
Imho this has potential to become a real game. Especially as 1v1 battler.

Thank you, one of the jam notes/suggestions has been allowing you to either select or ramp up over battles the number of CPU enemies so will eventually have something along the lines of 1v1.

I plan for a post-jam version to split the gameplay into two, a roguelite progression system where you acquire additional stats/spells after each level and a separate duel mode (which is pretty much what you’ve been playing).·View all by Kieron Scott·Report·Embed

