Starscope is a code indexer, search and navigation tool for Ruby, Golang, and JavaScript. Inspired by the extremely popular Ctags and Cscope utilities, Starscope can answer a lot of questions about a lot of code.
Runtime Dependencies (6):
babel-transpiler ~> 0.7
oj ~> 3.7
parser ~> 3.1
rkelly-remix ~> 0.0.7
ruby-progressbar ~> 1.9
sourcemap ~> 0.1
Development Dependencies (8):
bundler >= 1.7
byebug ~> 11.1
minitest ~> 5.12
mocha ~> 1.3
rake ~> 13.0
rubocop ~> 1.25.0
rubocop-minitest ~> 0.17.1
rubocop-rake ~> 0.6.0