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A member registered Oct 09, 2023

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press the esc key if you are on a computer.

ok so im on a computer, so if you're not then just use anyways, if you make it so that you can always see the tabs (i just pressed a button on the top left side of my keyboard, but yours might be different) then you can press a button with your mouse that says Enter Bloxd. it should then become full screen! 

that would be cool! no pressure tho, also this walking simulator isAWESOME! I like it a lot :)

not only is there an amogus in the cart, theres also one hidden in the background of the scaling process! Amogus


Edit; now it's working fine. Probably something about refreshing the page? anyways 5 stars!

hey, so for some reason after i fully fed the 1st turtle I couldn't interact with the 2nd one? So now I'm stuck fishing and scaling but without the ability to buy more upgrades.  Also the fish and meat things cap at 9, so i keep having to fish then scale then fish then... you get the idea. According to comments it appears to be swell (pun intended) for everyone else tho.

I really liked the prompts. The tiers of prompts make you really think about the passage of time.

 I played this game all the way through, which is a rarity for me as my stories/games often grow stale as I don't know what to do next.  But here I finished this game in 3 days. 

which is awesome.

I love this! It was an awe-inspiring journey. 

good point! I guess I just had a LOT of ideas for where they would take us, but no ideas on what would happen afterward. I was thinking about it as a STORY, not a game, and that was my issue. I'll try it out! Thank you!

Sure! This is gonna be a VERY long comment btw, but if you wanna hear it here it is!

So I'm a Wizcoon, a wizard raccoon. The starting situation is that i'm in a forest, and I got a LITTLE TOO RECKLESS with my magic and accidentally turned a bobcat into a human. And now it's MAD, so I try to pet it!.... Buut I 'roll' over the %, so I call for reinforcements! I roll a 1, and not only get my own band of fellow raccoons, but the Bard lulled the bobcat-turned-human to sleep. Then we (the Lab rats who have human smarts = Brio the bard, Mason the medic, Wick the wizard, and there's also Berry Eir, the strong gal who's just a regular raccoon)  vamoose!

 We arrive at our home base in a trench coat, which is, according to the 'roll', a overgrown mansion that people party in on weekends! The people there do not know that we are 4 raccoons in a trench coat, and they call us the mailman. BUT, I thought to myself, 2 of our band members are girls (Berry and Brio)! Will Brio (the only girl capable of understanding English) leap out of the coat and blow our cover?? I 'roll' a 6, and she keeps quiet. But why, unless it's important to be SEEN as the mailman! 

Small plot twist; we are not actually employed by the Postal Office! Instead, we steal the beer from the mailman who's delivering it to the mansion, and carry it the rest of the way, so we can make social connections under a ALIBI! BUT THEN... Someone bumps into us at the doorway. We turn around and it appears to be... THE OG MAILMAN! 

"I'm here to deliver my message." He says, and a party goer responds "Who are you?" I try to intimidate him into silence using 'Tall' as my roll (because he looks shorter than me), and.... I 'roll' a dupe. Plot twist!.... since it only LOOKS like I'm taller, maybe he's in a disguise?? A MAGIC DISGUISE?!  So he pulls me off to the side and says to me, "Now that we're alone, I'll show you my true form, ye Raccoons!" and then he turns into a towering humanoid made of sticks and stones! "I'm here to tell you to STOP BEING RECKLESS WITH MAGIC! jeez, you lot never learn, do ya?" but then we tell him that we didn't know any other magic creatures even EXISTED! And then he's like,"oh man, I must've delivered this message to the wrong raccoons. well, consider this a warning then." and leaps off into the woods. 

We follow him because we needed to wear a mask to interact with people, and we might not have to do that with magic folk! Then I'm like, wait a minute i should probably 'roll' to see if we're being followed. And guess what? 

One of the party members is looking for us, or at least our alibi! They only see a bunch of raccoons though, so they're like, "hmm I wonder where the trench coat guy is?" so i use my magic to speak and be like, 'Hey I'm Over Here!' but in English and also in the other direction. they follow it long enough for us to get the trench coat on, and then we go talk to them to be like, "hey, so I'm going to be gone for a while, there's gonna be this replacement Mailman that'll come here every weekend, so goodbye."  and then we walk off and look for the messenger's trail. 

We find it, and it leads to a cave! and then I'm like, I should probably 'roll' to see if this is a magic portal. And it is! So we go in, and we find a bunch of mushroom dogs! For some odd reason, they understand Raccoon, and since Berry speaks Raccoon the best (being a native and all) , she tells them that we mean no harm and only want a safe place to rest. And then they lead us....

Somewhere. I still haven't decided exactly where, but I figure that since that speak Raccoon but there's no raccoons nearby, they probably ran away from the raccoons that used to own them because they grew delicious fungus mushroom tails and the raccoons wanted to eat them!

 So yeah, if you'd like to add to this part (cause i can't come up with anything rn), feel free!

hello there! I really enjoy your game, its very easy to play. I've been looking for a game that's solo, gmless, diceless,  and unpredictable (to an extent), and it looks like I've found it! I'd recommend it to anyone who wants to play in their own solo game world that keeps growing, where things don't always go as you'd expect! (thanks goodness for Events!)

The rules are only 10 pages long and it says at the bottom that you don't have to learn all the rules at once, which is a good message for people like me. 

The only thing I changed for my game is that I use Odd for nO and Even for yEs, cause that's easier to remember (for me, at least).  I've only played one session (day) and I already love it! 

In short, I love it, and if you want to see my adventure so far, you can reply and I'll write it here.  Thank you for making this game, scriptorum! on on Facebook
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