Robert Ridgway (n.,Mount Carmel(d),Illinois,SUA – d.,Olney(d),Illinois,SUA) a fost unornitolog american specializat însistematică. El a fost numit în anul 1880 de cătreSpencer Fullerton Baird, secretar alInstituției Smithsoniene, pentru a fi primul curator de păsări cu normă întreagă la Muzeul Național alStatelor Unite ale Americii, titlu deținut până la moartea sa. În 1883, el a ajutat la fondarea Uniunii Ornitologice Americane, unde el a servit ca responsabil și editor al revistei. Ridgway a fost un remarcabiltaxonomist descriptiv, culminând munca sa de o viață cuPăsările din America de Nord și de Mijloc (opt volume, 1901-1919). În timpul vieții sale, el a fost de neegalat în numărul de specii de păsări din America de Nord pe care el le-adescris pentruștiință. Caillustrator tehnic, Ridgway a utilizat propriile sale picturi și desene schiță pentru a complementa scrierile sale. De asemenea, el a publicat două cărți care au sistematizat numele de culori pentru a descrie păsări,O Nomenclatură a Culorilor pentru Naturaliști (1886) șiStandardele Culorilor și Nomenclatura Culorilor (1912). Ornitologii din toată lumea continuă să citeze studii de culoare și cărțile lui Ridgway.
Ridgway, Robert. 1869 (March). "The Belted Kingfisher Again,"American Naturalist3(1):53–54. Retrieved 28 January 2013.
Ridgway, Robert. 1870. "A New Classification of the North American Falconidae, with Descriptions of Three New Species."Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia22: 138–150. Retrieved 15 January 2013.
Ridgway, Robert. 1872 (December). "On the Relation between Color and Geographical Distribution in Birds, as Exhibited in Melanism and Hyperchromism." (part 1 of 2)American Journal of Science, 3rd ser.,4(24): 454–460. Retrieved 21 January 2013.
Ridgway, Robert. 1873 (September). "On the Relation between Color and Geographical Distribution in Birds, as Exhibited in Melanism and Hyperchromism." (part 2 of 2)American Journal of Science, 3rd ser.,5(25): 39–43. Retrieved 21 January 2013.
Baird, S.F., T.M. Brewer, and R. Ridgway. 1874.A History of North American Birds: Land Birds. Little, Brown, Boston.Volume I, 596 pp.;Volume II, 590 pp.;Volume III, 560 pp. Retrieved 14 January 2013. A special edition, published in the same year, of 50 copies contained 36 plates hand-colored by Ridgway.[7]
Ridgway, Robert. 1882. "Description of Two New Thrushes from the United States."Proceedings of the United States National Museum4: 374–379. Retrieved 15 January 2013. Description of Bicknell's thrush, asHylocichla aliciæ bicknelli.
Baird, S.F., T.M. Brewer, and R. Ridgway. 1884.The Water Birds of North America. Little, Brown, Boston.Volume I, 537 pp.;Volume II, 552 pp. Retrieved 14 January 2013.
Ridgway, Robert. 1889. "A Descriptive Catalog of the Birds of Illinois," part I of Ridgway, Robert, and Forbes, S.A.,The Ornithology of Illinois. State Laboratory of Natural History, Springfield, Ill. Volume I of part I. Retrieved 22 January 2013.
Ridgway, Robert. 1890 (February). "Scientific Results of Explorations by the U. S. Fish Commission SteamerAlbatross, No. I: Birds Collected on the Galapagos Islands in 1888."Proceedings of the United States National Museum12(767): 101–128. Retrieved 11 March 2013.
Ridgway, Robert. 1891. "Directions for Collecting Birds."Bulletin of the United States National Museum39A: 1–27. Retrieved 19 March 2013.
Ridgway, Robert. 1892."The Humming Birds."Report of the National Museum for 1890: 253–383. Retrieved 21 January 2013.
Ridgway, Robert. 1894 (November). "Descriptions of Twenty-Two New Species from the Galapagos Islands."Proceedings of the United States National Museum17(1007): 357–370. Retrieved 22 January 2013.
Ridgway, Robert. 1895. "A Descriptive Catalog of the Birds of Illinois," part I of Ridgway, Robert, and Forbes, S.A.,The Ornithology of Illinois. State Laboratory of Natural History, Springfield, Ill. Volume II of part I. Retrieved 22 January 2013.
Ridgway, Robert. 1897 (March). "Birds of the Galapagos Archipelago."Proceedings of the United States National Museum19(1119): 459–670. Retrieved 21 January 2013.
Wetmore, Alexander ().„Biographical Memoir of Robert Ridgway, 1850–1929”(PDF).Biographical Memoirs. National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.15: 57–101. Accesat în.Mai multe valori specificate pentru|accessdate= și|access-date= (ajutor)