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Nigel Bruce

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Nigel Bruce
Date personale
Născut[1][2]Modificați la Wikidata
Ensenada,Baja California,MexicModificați la Wikidata
Decedat (58 de ani)[3][2][4][5][6]Modificați la Wikidata
Santa Monica,California,SUAModificați la Wikidata
ÎnmormântatChapel of the Pines Crematory[*][[Chapel of the Pines Crematory (crematory and cemetery in Los Angeles, California)|​]]Modificați la Wikidata
Cauza decesuluicauze naturale (infarct miocardic)Modificați la Wikidata
PărințiSir William Bruce, 10th Baronet[*][[Sir William Bruce, 10th Baronet (British baronet (1865-1912))|​]][7]
Angelica Selby[*][[Angelica Selby (romancieră britanică)|​]][7]Modificați la Wikidata
Căsătorit cuViolet Pauline Shelton[*][[Violet Pauline Shelton ((died 1970))|​]] (din)Modificați la Wikidata
CopiiPauline Margaret Bruce[*][[Pauline Margaret Bruce ((born 1922))|​]][7]
Jennifer Beryl Bruce[*][[Jennifer Beryl Bruce ((1924-1991))|​]][7]Modificați la Wikidata
Cetățenie Regatul UnitModificați la Wikidata
actor de teatru[*]
actor de film
actor de televiziune[*]Modificați la Wikidata
Limbi vorbitelimba engleză[8]Modificați la Wikidata
Alma materAbingdon School[*][[Abingdon School (independent school for boys in Abingdon, Oxfordshire, England)|​]]
Alte premii
British War Medal[*][[British War Medal (WW1 British campaign medal)|​]]Modificați la Wikidata
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William Nigel Ernle Bruce (n.,Ensenada,Baja California,Mexic – d.,Santa Monica,California,SUA) a fost unactorbritanic de teatru, televiziune și de film. El a fost cel mai cunoscut pentru portretizareaDoctorului Watson într-oserie de filme și în serialul radioThe New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes.


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1922Flames of Passionrol minor necunoscutnemenționat
1930Squeaker The SqueakerCollie
Red AcesKinsfeather, T.B.
Birds of PreyMajor
1931Calendar The CalendarLord Willie Panniford
1932Lord Camber's LadiesLord Camber
Midshipmaid The MidshipmaidMajor Spink
1933I Was a SpyScottie
Channel CrossingNigel Guthrie
1934Coming Out PartyTroon, the Butler
Stand Up and Cheer!Eustis Dinwiddle
Murder in TrinidadBertram Lynch
Lady Is Willing The Lady Is WillingWelton
Treasure IslandSquire Trelawney
Springtime for HenryJohnny Jewlliwell
Scarlet Pimpernel The Scarlet PimpernelThe Prince of Wales
1935Becky SharpJoseph Sedley
SheHorace Holly
JalnaMaurice Vaughn
Man Who Broke the Bank at Monte Carlo The Man Who Broke the Bank at Monte CarloIvan
1936Trail of the Lonesome Pine The Trail of the Lonesome PineMajor Thurber
Under Two FlagsCapt. Menzies
White Angel The White AngelDr. West
Follow Your HeartHenri Forrester
Charge of the Light Brigade The Charge of the Light BrigadeSir Benjamin Warrenton
Man I Marry The Man I MarryRobert Hartley
1937Thunder in the CityDuke of Glenavon
Last of Mrs. Cheyney The Last of Mrs. CheyneyLord Willie Winton
1938Baroness and the Butler The Baroness and the ButlerMajor Andros
KidnappedNeil MacDonald
SuezSir Malcolm Cameron
1939Hound of the Baskervilles The Hound of the BaskervillesDr. John H. Watson
Adventures of Sherlock Holmes The Adventures of Sherlock HolmesDr. John H. Watson
Rains Came The Rains CameLord Albert Esketh
1940Blue Bird The Blue BirdMr. Luxury
Adventure in DiamondsCol. J. W. Lansfield
RebeccaMajor Giles Lacy
Lillian RussellWilliam S. Gilbert
Susan and GodHutchins Stubbs
Dispatch from Reuters A Dispatch from ReutersSir Randolph Persham
1941Hudson's BayPrince Rupert
Play GirlWilliam McDonald Vincent
Free and EasyFlorian Clemington
This Woman Is MineDuncan MacDougall
Chocolate Soldier The Chocolate SoldierBernard Fischer, Critic
SuspicionGordon Cochrane 'Beaky' Thwaite
1942Roxie HartE. Clay Benham
This Above AllRamsbottom
Eagle SquadronMcKinnon
Sherlock Holmes and the Voice of TerrorDr. John H. Watson
Journey for MargaretHerbert V. Allison
Sherlock Holmes and the Secret WeaponDr. John H. Watson
1943Forever and a DayMaj. Garrow
Sherlock Holmes in WashingtonDr. John H. Watson
Sherlock Holmes Faces DeathDr. John H. Watson
Lassie Come HomeDuke of Rudling
Crazy HouseDr. John H. WatsonCameo
Spider Woman The Spider WomanDr. John H. Watson
1944Follow the BoysHimselfUncredited
Scarlet Claw The Scarlet ClawDr. John H. Watson
Pearl of Death The Pearl of DeathDr. John H. Watson
Gypsy WildcatHigh Sheriff
Frenchman's CreekLord Godolphin
1945Sherlock Holmes and the House of FearDr. John H. Watson
Corn Is Green The Corn Is GreenThe Squire
Son of LassieDuke of Rudling
Woman in Green The Woman in GreenDr. John H. Watson
Pursuit to AlgiersDr. John H. Watson
1946Terror by NightDr. John H. Watson
Dressed to KillDr. John H. Watson
1947Two Mrs. Carrolls The Two Mrs. CarrollsDr. Tuttle
Exile The ExileSir Edward Hyde
1948Julia MisbehavesCol. Bruce "Bunny" Willowbrook
1950VendettaSir Thomas Nevil
1952Hong KongMr. Lighton
LimelightPostant, an Impresario
Bwana DevilDr. Angus McLean
1954World for RansomGovernor Sir Charles Couttslansat postum


[modificare |modificare sursă]
  1. ^„Nigel Bruce”,Gemeinsame Normdatei, accesat în 
  2. ^abWilliam Nigel Ernle Bruce, The Peerage, accesat în 
  3. ^Nigel Bruce, SNAC, accesat în 
  4. ^Autoritatea BnF, accesat în 
  5. ^Nigel Bruce, Internet Broadway Database, accesat în 
  6. ^Nigel Bruce, Find a Grave, accesat în 
  7. ^abcdThe Peerage 
  8. ^CONOR.SI[*] Verificați valoarea|titlelink= (ajutor)

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