Joseph John Campbell (n.,White Plains,New York,SUA – d.,Hawaii,SUA) a fost un cercetător al miturilor și religiilor, scriitor și oratoramerican, cunoscut pentru lucrările sale în domeniilemitologiei comparate și alereligiei comparate. Opera sa este vastă, acoperind multe domenii ale experienței umane. Filozofia sa este adesea sintetizată de îndemnul "Urmați fericirea vostră" sau Căutați-vă fericirea" (înenglezăFollow your bliss.)[6]
Transformations of Myth Through Time (1990), Harper and Row
A Joseph Campbell Companion: Reflections on the Art of Living (1991), editor Diane K. Osbon
Mythic Worlds, Modern Words: On the Art of James Joyce[8] (1993), editor Edmund L. Epstein
The Mythic Dimension: Selected Essays (1959–1987)[9] (1993), editor Anthony Van Couvering
Baksheesh & Brahman: Indian Journals (1954–1955)[10] (1995), editors Robin/Stephen Larsen & Anthony Van Couvering
Thou Art That: Transforming Religious Metaphor (2001), editor Eugene Kennedy, New World LibraryISBN 1-57731-202-3. first volume in the Collected Works of Joseph Campbell
An Open Life: Joseph Campbell in Conversation with Michael Toms (1989). editors John Maher and Dennie Briggs, forward by Jean Erdman Campbell. Larson Publications, Harper Perennial 1990 paperback:ISBN 0-06-097295-5
This business of the gods: Interview with Fraser Boa (1989)
The Hero's Journey (film): A Biographical Portrait—This film, made shortly before his death in 1987, follows Campbell's personal quest—a pathless journey of questioning, discovery, and ultimately of delight and joy in a life to which he said, "Yes"
Sukhavati: A Mythic Journey—This hypnotic and mesmerizing film is a deeply personal, almost spiritual, portrait of Campbell
Mythos—This series comprises talks that Campbell himself believed summed up his views on "the one great story of mankind."
Psyche & Symbol (12 part telecourse, Bay Area Open College, 1976)[16]
The faces of Joseph Campbell. Brendan Gill.New York Review of Books, v. 36, number 14 (28 septembrie 1989)
Brendan Gill vs Defenders of Joseph Campbell—An Exchange. Various Authors.New York Review of Books, v. 36, number 17 (9 noiembrie 1989)
Joseph Campbell on Jews and Judaism. Robert Segal.Religion, v. 22 (April 1992)
“Was Joseph Campbell a Postmodernist?’’ Joseph M. Felser.Journal of the American Academy of Religion, v. 64 (1998)
Why Joseph Campbell's Psychologizing of Myth Precludes the Holocaust as Touchstone of Reality. Maurice Friedman,Journal of the American Academy of Religion, v. 67 (1998)
Joseph Campbell as Antisemite and as Theorist of Myth: A Response to Maurice Friedman. Robert A. Segal,Journal of the American Academy of Religion, v. 66 (1999)
Pearson, Carol and Pope, Katherine.The Female Hero in American and British Literature. (1981)
Ford, Clyde W.The Hero with an African Face: Mythic Wisdom of Traditional Africa. (2000)
Jones, Steven Swann.The Fairy Tale: The Magic Mirror of the Imagination. (2002)
Erickson, Leslie Goss.Re-Visioning of the Heroic Journey in Postmodern Literature: Toni Morrison, Julia Alvarez, Arthur Miller, and American Beauty (2006)
Joiner, Ann Livingston.A Myth in Action: The Heroic Life of Audie Murphy. (2006:)