Authors Note 8/29/22: Please, don't judge me based on this site. The last time I made any commits, it was... April, 2022.
The most advanced thing that happens in any of this is hitting free API's like the NASA Astronomy Picture Of The Day API.
Since then, I have gained experience in several more technologies, which include:
React Node MongoDB Express Django Python Firebase and many more Again, this is a very old site and is not representative of my current skill level. I am currently doing a couple of different tutorials, by mid-September 2022 I will have replaced all this with a portfolio made in React. BUT FIRST, A TERRIBLE JOKE! ⬅ Click here. (Uses theicanhazdadjoke API.)
Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Aspernatur accusamus earum animi iusto minus aperiam? Consequuntur eaque blanditiis totam, fuga corporis cumque rem praesentium quis. Animi totam autem quam unde.