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floating above the city is fun, even though it is a bug probably.

pretty calming 4.5/5

please make it windows compatible

Doesn't it work on Windows?

Translated by DeepL

Well.. for non-copyrighted music, try "Chris Zabriskie".

hold on i will use ipad

•Hope it will work more platforms•Thanks!•

please add windows version

i think i should use ipad

Is there more than 1 station? I kinda want it to be an infinite thing like that. Maybe also transfers to other lines, which just changes the background and stations, so you could for example transfer to the subway.  If you don't want to do these things, that's fine. I won't mind very much.

Heya, I'm actually going to be implementing more stations in the next version, and I definitely want to try my hand at station transfers and the like. I'll see how it goes, and I'll let you know. Thanks!

please put this on windows i want to play this

Hi, sorry about the late reply - I've been a bit busy lately with college stuff, but I'll make a Windows version as soon as I can!

looks good! its a shame i cant play it because im windows

are any special programs needed to launch it?

There aren't any special programs required - it should be able to run as is. (Also, if you are unable to run it, please let me know and I will try to fix the problem.)

yea, thats the problem "unable to run the program" no description what-so-ever

Is there any hope you will do the windows version?

I will definitely try, the only problem is that I have no idea how to do it for Unity on Mac. (There's probably a guide online, and if I find one, I'll definitely implement it.)

Deleted account4 years ago
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Hey, sorry for the late reply - that's actually really helpful, thanks!·View all by Revue Text·Report·Embed

