


Sigve Solvaag

Welcome! I am a creative person from Norway, who likes to play, write, and write about roleplaying games. I have a blog: 


I am mostly into the Old School Renaissance and Free Kriegspiel Roleplaying scenes. My focus is on creating system-agnostic adventure modules. 

I also run asleepy community discord, where you can pop in if you have any questions about my products. 

A journalling rpg in the deep.
A location for roleplaying games.
Systemfree space bodyhorror on Mars
A game of worldbuilding and intrigue.
A free kriegsspiel roleplaying game.
Um jogo de RPG estilo Free Kriegsspiel.
A setting supplement.
Portable micro game.
Free Kriegsspiel roleplaying in a galaxy far, far away...

Things I've contributed to

An RPG zine by FKR Collective
An RPG zine by FKR Collective

Cool stuff

Personal house rules for FMC
A generator that procedurally generates vintage maps of fantasy star systems
Run in browser
Old School Roleplaying in 2400
Systemfree space bodyhorror on Mars
A lightweight framework for OSRish play
24XX roleplaying now on a business card!
A lo-fi sci-fi RPG SRD
A game inspired by the paintings of JMW Turner
A perpetual project, a perpetual failure
A horror investigation scenario set in the Wirg
Set sail and rediscover your heritage!
ultralite rpg inspired by bitd
A 4-Pages Old-School Type Ruleset by Wizard Lizard
Fast-Paced Cyberpunk Action Game
Lo-fi sci-fi micro RPG collection ·Community profile

