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A member registered Dec 26, 2021

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I love Postmodern Adventure's games. and follow on twitter. 

Played them all, I loved Nightmare Frames as soon as I loaded it up. This no doubt will be the same. 

Like LucasArts games if they had done horror!

DRM prevents the true ownership of a game. It requires a client to be installed to play such as games on Steam, EA etc.

DRM-free games, such as those on here and GOG, allow for the downloading of the game file to be installed offline and so you own the game forever.

Thanks SirPrimalform. Much appreciated for getting this info. Yeah I prefer DRM-free and mainly use this and GOG.

Just like a steam key sometimes as well.

Enjoyed the game, hope to see a full game from this developer soon.

Enjoy the W W Jacobs - The Monkey's Paw reference, but unashamedly the Simpson's 'Treehouse of Horror II - Monkey Paw episode' reference came to mind haha.

The Telwynium series is starting to become a real favourite of mine. Having now played the third part, I can't wait for it receive the after jam treatment of being extended.

I look forward to more installments in the future. This is the winner for me.

Is this the same version as on steam?

If not, do you provide a steam key?

Thanks for the reply. I hope it comes to GOG, its stupid they haven't accepted your other games. Will the full version come to if GOG refuse?

Will the full version be coming to or GOG?

Another Midnight Scenes, another brilliant story and game.

I love the Midnight Scenes, from the very first two twilight zone episodes series to it's latest instalment.

I hope it continues.

Thanks for the reply. Guybrush rules 👍

Hi there,

I have just purchased Charlie II and paid enough for the expansion pack DLC also, but there is no steam key provided even though this is stated on the purchase page.

Please can you provide me with the steam key for Charlie II +  Expansion DLC.
I can email the receipt if you let me know where to email.


Hi there

I have just purchased this game on itch, cant wait to play it. I will post a review on itch for you. I am aware steam reviews provide more exposure so if you provide me a steam key I will post a review on there for you as thanks.

Anyway, no worries if not, just thought I would offer.

Just purchased game, do you offer steam keys? if so i can provide a review on steam for you. i will post a review on here after i have played but i am aware steam reviews are more important for exposure. let me know, no problem if not.

Hi there

I know the page does not state you get a key for kitsune zero on, but any change I can have one?

I have purchased your other game Midboss which gives a steam key. If you do provide these then I will be more than happy to provide a review as thanks

Anyway, thanks, I have waited to get to play these!

Just bought this, been waiting for a sale. Thank you for not neglecting non-drm fans!

Thank you, I have them all and enjoy them so much. I am also keeping tabs on your new project, of which I have seen clips of recently on twitter. The first-person perspective one, good luck with it 👍🏻

Hoping you put this and Super Sunny Island on sale here like Steam. I can complete my collection of your platformers and mini metroidvanias :D

Hi there

Does this have Nintendo Switch controller support or keyboard support.

Kind regards

Hi, I had sent you a DM message on twitter. Cheers

thanks for replying. i shall get on steam instead then. cheers.

Does this include the new DLC on steam or a steam key?

Dead Dreams game, it states you get a steam key with the purchase but the button isn't working. No key is provided when you click on the button. See below

Claim Steam key

Your purchase comes with a Steam key!

There are no keys available at this time, try again later


Dead Dreams community ·Created a new topicSteam Keys

I have still not been able to get a key, the steam key button just says no keys available please try again later.

can you please help?

Bought the game, really fun, reminds me of Super Mario for the SNES. Any plans on adding Nintendo Switch controller support for your games? As Nintendo gamers would love your games and this would be a good selling point. on on Facebook
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