




I am Gray Dungeon Dealer: a nomadic DM who makes adventures and rules for OSR and similar games. If you want something useful and modular you can find it here: just pick a thing and jam it into your game, or use as a prompt.

There is free stuff here too!

No players were harmed during playtesting.

A simple guidline for adjudicating bartering deals in OSR games
A perilous OSR exploration adventure for high-level characters
Simple 2d6 skill check system for OSR and similar games
A quick and varied generator for primeval settlemets and tribes.
Инструмент для быстрого создания эпического оружия
Paladins that know the meaning of collectivisation

Supported by Remedy

a light rpg about skirmishes in a squared grid

Remedy's Collection

system-neutral Magical Rituals inspired by Slavic folklore
Hex Mapping tool for table top RPGs
A 16 bit fantasy tileset for your game nights
Another 16 bit fantasy tileset for your game nights ·Community profile

