


The world is made of parcels

Regrid has you covered

Comprehensive parcel data with boundaries, buildings, addresses, and geographic enrichments for all your location decisions.

The Regrid Property App

Instant access to a complete parcel map of the United States.


Scan to download  on iOS or Android

Shop our Data Store

Download parcel files and enrichments by the county and state.



Enterprise-ready data

Access Regrid Premium Parcel Data with geographic enrichments, built to power enterprise workflows & decision making. Explore flexible delivery options tailored to your needs.

Trusted by industry leaders around the world

Esri logo
Amazon logo
The Nature Conservancy logo
tomtom logo
Polaris logo
Boston Consulting Group logo
Crexi logo
Cost Quest Analytics logo
EPA logo
Remax logo

Calling all Esri users!

Regrid is Esri's commercial partner for parcel data. 

Free parcel boundary tile layer in the Living Atlas, Feature Service, and more.


Check outThe Power of Where: A Geographic Approach to the World's Greatest Challenges,by Esri cofounder, Jack Dangermond.

This beautiful new book about digital geography includes a section on parcels with a quote and contributions from Regrid CEO, Jerry Paffendorf.

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Did you know?

Regrid provides first-class service to nonprofits and universities through ourData With Purpose program.

We also donate to land-related causes that our team members choose to support throughRegrid Giving

