Web extension and native application to allow the secure signing of text using a digital certificate.
Web extension for the Firefox web browser.
Native messaging extension for Linux/Unix.
Use the source, Luke.
Firefox distributes the webextension through their distribution system. Both the webextension and the native extension below are required for Firefox
Binaries for Redwax SignText are available for various platforms.
Download thelatest releases of the Redwax SignText from the distribution directory.
This branch contains themost recent stable releases of Redwax SignText.
Try out a demo of a page that allows text signing.
Visit theinterop / demo site for a working example ofcrypto.signText()
Get the code. Ask questions. Track issues.
The source code for Redwax SignText is stored in Bitbucket and mirrored as an SVN repository.
The following mailing lists are available.
Use the following address for contacting us to report security issues with Redwax SignText.
Builds are triggered automatically on commit byJenkins.