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This data base of the Dipterocarpaceae  was begun in 1993 by ABW Associates Ltd., based at theRoyal Botanic Garden Edinburgh and has had several other contributors since then.

Originally used as a taxonomic tool in the production of theManuals of Dipterocarps for Foresters, it has grown to include much more information, including records of all the specimens in the herbarium at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh and all specimens of Thai Dipterocarpaceae.

The intention behind this release is to give access to taxonomic and specimen information.
The search forms are set up to permit searches for taxon names or specimens. The details given for a taxon name are the synonyms, the basionym, the place of publication of the name, and information about type specimens.

The details given for a specimen are the collector, collection number, herbarium to which it belongs, latest determination, collecting locality, collecting date and whether the specimen has flowers or fruits.

