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Raygun launches APM: Next-generation application performance monitoring

September 19, 2018

Today, Raygun, a leader in software performance tools, announced the launch of Application Performance Monitoring (APM). Raygun APM is the latest addition to the Raygun Platform — the monitoring tool of choice for Coca-Cola, Microsoft, and Samsung.

With Raygun Crash Reporting and Real User Monitoring, customers have experienced up to a 95% reduction in errors, saving millions of dollars in re-work and resource management. Now, with Raygun APM, customers can combine server-side timings with errors, crashes, and front-end performance data to get the visibility they need to fix problems faster than ever before.

Developers who used APM during the Beta phase said that they received better insights with Raygun than existing mature platforms. Using the detail Raygun provided, they are able to get greater visibility into what was actually going on in their codebase and were able to solve problems they previously couldn’t understand with their existing solution.

No other APM tool on the market today delivers the level of insight into software performance issues like Raygun APM.

  • Innovative usage-based pricing means APM is now cost-effective for all modern architectures — including microservices and containers.
  • Easy to understand charts are balanced with the actionable data that developers need to resolve issues like slow loading queries and chatty APIs.
  • Deliver exceptional user experiences and catch problems before they affect customers.

Available from today for .NET and Azure App Services, .NET Core, Java and Ruby support will follow. Teams can get data flowing in just two minutes with the Raygun Agent.

John-Daniel Trask, CEO at Raygun said that “The addition of APM to the Raygun Platform delivers on our vision of a totally integrated monitoring solution. We want to provide the data on crashes, real user performance and server monitoring all in one place, not siloed. We’ve been building towards the most integrated monitoring platform for years, re-thinking what can be achieved to support all modern solution architectures.”

For more about Raygun APM, or to learn about how it can benefit development workflows,

Raygun can put you in contact with John-Daniel Trask, Raygun's CEO, for additional quotes, background or discussion.

About Raygun

Raygun is a Software Intelligence Platform that gives companies visibility into software problems. Errors, crashes and slow loading pages and scripts affecting end users are automatically detected, enabling teams to build excellent user experiences.

Raygun is used by over 50,000+ developers globally and helps customers like Nordstrom, Domino's Pizza and Microsoft find and detect issues in their applications.

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