Uncover detailed, code-level insights into server-side performance that get you to the root cause of issues faster.
Free trialRequest demoSurface greater detail into server-side performance than other leading APM solutions. Get all the insights you need to ensure you’re delivering a world-class digital experience.
Raygun makes it simple to observe and understand how your code is being executed so you know exactly what went wrong and how to fix it.
Raygun makes it easy to focus your efforts on what matters most. Discover and prioritize improvements that will have the greatest impact.
Get to the root cause of performance problems, faster.
Observe:Raygun’s modern and intuitive UI makes it painless to find and fix your most high-impact issues.
Take action:Get code-level diagnostics into performance issues alongside the associated trace.
Measure results:Monitor the impact of optimizations and ensure your whole team has visibility with dashboards.
Raygun’s suite of error and performance monitoring tools gives you complete real-time visibility into the health and performance of your applications.
“I constantly monitor Raygun APM to see if we have any degradation in the system or see if there's any room for improvement or anything glaringly obvious.”
“Raygun APM provides us with a clear overview of where the development team needs to concentrate their efforts to enhance the customer experience.”
“Raygun gives us the ability to know about issues so we can respond quickly and give our customers the best experience that they deserve and expect.”