Thank you so so much for the swift response. I'm happy to hear that this VN has a future ahead of it and while I may needy to think about it some more, I'm considering becoming a Patreon subscriber, I'm inpatient when it comes to good stories and I don't mind paying a bit to get them sooner ;) Have a wonderful weekend!
I have to ask something that might sound a bit strange, I also want you to know that I don't as this to be critical, sarcastic, or negative in any way. I just want to know how seriously you are commited to creating this VN and seeing it through. I've enjoyed it so far don't get me wrong, and from what I've seen I believe that it has enormous potential, so much so that I'm seriously considering becoming a Patreon subscriber. But, as a broke college student, I want to know how commited you are to updating this VN consistently before I spend money. Again I'm not asking this to be confrontational or rude, and I apologize profusely if it comes across as such, but I just really would like to know before I get invested too far.
Afetr doing some pondering I have come to the realization that some of my previous comments may have been unintentionally laced with a tone of anger and accusation towards the author of this wonderful VN. I wish to personally apologize to the author for my previous posts and I hope that they can find it in their heart to forgive me for this mistep of mine. I truly do enjoy this VN and I was dissapointed by its delay, but that is no excuse of how acted in the commented section of this page. If the author, Kael Tiger, reads this I am truly sorry for my previous comments regarding the delays and I hope that both you and the fanbase as a whole can move past this period of negativity.
Don't get me wrong, I LOVE this VN and I think it has incalculable amounts of charm and potential, but at the same time it just feels like nothings happening where it counts, which is progressing this story and characters. I understand that the author is going through a rough patch and I sympathize immensely with that, but I also feel that the least they could do is to be honest vocal and tell us when its going to be delayed or take more time.
I was tempted at first to downvote your posts, but the more I read them and mulled them over the more I have to say I begrudgingly agree with you in a way. These constant back to back delays are starting to get ridiculous. This doesn't mean that I don't absolutely adore this VN or that I don't sympathize with the author's personal struggles and challenges. To be clear the absolute LAST thing I want is for the author to give up on this VN because I feel that it has oceans of potential, but maybe the current system of developing it just isn't working. Sorry for the tangent, had a lot of emotions on my mind surrounding this additional delay and I needed to give them voice.