The source is the basis from which all the other packages are created. If none of the other options suits your need, you can always compile Rakudo yourself from these sources.
File | Size |
2025.02 | |
rakudo-2025.02.tar.gz | 6.66 MB |
rakudo-2025.02.tar.gz.asc | 833.00 B |
rakudo-2025.02.tar.gz.checksums.txt | 1.50 KB |
rakudo-[backend]-[version]-[build revision]-[OS]-[architecture]-[toolchain]
. The archives have executables located inbin/
. See the
file for further information.File | Size |
2025.02 | |
rakudo-moar-2025.02-01-win-x86_64-msvc.msi | 22.06 MB |
rakudo-moar-2025.02-01-win-x86_64-msvc.msi.asc | 228.00 B |
rakudo-moar-2025.02-01-win-x86_64-msvc.msi.checksums.txt | 0.99 KB | | 22.11 MB | | 228.00 B | | 0.99 KB |
Install Rakudo-on-MoarVM with Scoop:scoop install rakudo-moar
This is a packaging of Rakudo itself, MoarVM, NQP and the modules of the Rakudo Star Bundle It's built straight from the Rakudo Star Bundle Windows MSI usually shortly after a Rakudo release.
Install the Rakudo Star Bundle with chocolatey:choco install rakudostar
Install the Rakudo Star Bundle with Scoop:scoop install rakudo-star
rakudo-[backend]-[version]-[build revision]-[OS]-[architecture]-[toolchain]
. The archives have executables located inbin/
. See the
file for further information.File | Size |
2025.02 | |
rakudo-moar-2025.02-01-linux-x86_64-gcc.tar.gz | 20.23 MB |
rakudo-moar-2025.02-01-linux-x86_64-gcc.tar.gz.asc | 228.00 B |
rakudo-moar-2025.02-01-linux-x86_64-gcc.tar.gz.checksums.txt | 1.02 KB |
When on *nix, the easiest way to install Rakudo is to use the packages provided by your distribution. Howeverdistro packages can be out of date (the Rakudo that gets installed may be more than a year old), and if that's the case, the best option is usually to build from source or to use a raku specific manager such as rakubrew. You may wish to try a user-maintained repository (see below).
dnf install rakudo
apt-get install rakudo
zypper install rakudo
, but Alpine providesmusl
instead. When trying to run the executables one receives a highly misleading/bin/sh: ./rakudo: not found
error. Installing thegcompat
glib compatibility wrapper allows running those tarballs. But it's a lot easier and provides for a smaller installation size to just use the distro packages Alpine provides. They are usually up-to-date.apk add rakudo zef
emerge --ask --verbose dev-lang/rakudo
apk add rakudo
NixOS:nix-env -iA nixos.rakudo
Non-NixOS:nix-env -iA nixpkgs.rakudo
These are often more up to date than the packages provided by the distribution itself, but require adding a third party repository.
rakudo-[backend]-[version]-[build revision]-[OS]-[architecture]-[toolchain]
. The archives have executables located inbin/
. See the
file for further information.All releasesVerifyingThere is a Homebrew package available:brew install rakudo
There is a rakudo MacPort available:sudo port install rakudo
A download, installation and version management tool for Rakudo. Works on all major platforms.
RakubrewThis option contains the Rakudo Compiler,acollectionof modules from theRakuecosystem,andlanguage documentation.The Rakudo Star Bundle is released shortly after a Rakudo release.
Rakudo Star Bundle