QtPass is a multi-platform GUI forpass, the standard unix password manager.
View the Project on GitHubIJHack/QtPass
pacman -S qtpass
packer qtpass
yaourt -S qtpass
zypper install qtpass
yum install qtpass
dnf install qtpass
apt install qtpass
emerge -atv qtpass
xbps-install -Su qtpass
nix-env -iA nixos.pkgs.qtpass
eopkg install qtpass
cd qtpass && chmod +x qtpass.SlackBuild && ./qtpass.SlackBuild
pkg install qtpass
cd /usr/ports/sysutils/qtpass/ && make install clean
Latest stable on thereleases page, latest build viaAppVeyor
ViaChocolateychoco install qtpass
Latest stable on thereleases page, latest build viaAnneJan
ViaHomebrew Caskbrew install qtpass --cask
QtPass works best with pass and pinentry-mac installed.
brew install pass pinentry-mac
On most *nix systems all you need is:
qmake && make && make install
On Mac OS X:
brew install qt5brew link --overwrite --force qt5xcode-select --installqmake && make && macdeployqt QtPass.app