v1.0.6 A new year a new release
- Updated german translation#125#126#134
- Fixed qrand always generating the same sequence of passwords#129
- Fixed deleted record can be retrieved bug#117
- On-demand copy to clipboard feature#119
- Always on top feature#118
- Fixed timer issue#122 (introduced in#119)
v1.0.5 One Windy Wednesday
v1.0.4 Release early, release often
Currently the new languages are just stubs. Localisations will need a lot of love in the coming months.
Language | Percentage Done |
nl_NL | 100 |
de_DE | 92 |
zh_CN | 90 |
es_ES | 88 |
ru_RU | 25 |
hu_HU | 19 |
gl_ES | 18 |
sv_SE | 10 |
ar_MA | 1 |
he_IL | 1 |
pl_PL | 0 |
Live version:https://calc.ijhack.nl/qtpass
Ps. Experimental Windows build Qt5.5 on WinXP (to test build automation)
v1.0.3 Correcciones menores y mejoras
- Spanish translations added#103
- Use
pass show password
instead of unsafe fallbackpass password
#105 - Get PREFIX variable from qmake or env#106
- Templating skips parsing colon in urls unless specifically added prefix to template.
v1.0.2 Thursday evening fixes
- Fixed modulus zero exception in password generation#102
- Installation prefix selection#100
- Made IP urls clickable by simplifying regex#97
- Added trailing newline if missing#93
Experimental OS X release created on 10.11 El Capitan with Xcode 7
v1.0.1 After party
- Correct focussing of filter input#89
- Templates for password input
- Show password title in in input window
- Clear the text field(s) after X seconds#86
- User list look and colour scheme#82
- Auto push/pull options for git#83
- Commit deletes to git#81
- Git init of repositories#72
- Yubikey Neo linux info added to FAQ#73
v1.0.0 Release party / party release
More releases