



QtPass is a multi-platform GUI forpass, the standard unix password manager.

View the Project on GitHubIJHack/QtPass

QtPass MainWindowQtPass Configuration

v1.1.6 Cherry picking bugfixes and enhancements

This is a release to fix some bugs and add some convenience in 1.1 before the upcoming 1.2 release . .

There is a problem with the build-in fallback password generator, it's use is discouraged.
Current fixed version is less bad but still not cryptographically safe and sound!
For more information please take a look at#238 PRNG seeding is done totally wrong

v1.1.5 The more the merrier

v1.1.4 It's been a while

v1.1.3 Some more bug-squashing

Accidentally forgot to push the version updates before tagging last time, so a quick update was in order I think.

v1.1.2 Squashing bugs

Signed as explained

v1.1.1 Spring cleanup

v1.1.0 Fresh, fixed and clean

Might requirelibqt5svg or similar as dependency for fallback icons.

Other releases

Linux CompatibleWindows 11s CompatibleOS X CompatibleFreeBSD Compatible

