v1.1.6 Cherry picking bugfixes and enhancements
This is a release to fix some bugs and add some convenience in 1.1 before the upcoming 1.2 release . .
There is a problem with the build-in fallback password generator, it's use is discouraged.
Current fixed version is less bad but still not cryptographically safe and sound!
For more information please take a look at#238 PRNG seeding is done totally wrong
- Short fullname would hang QtPass keypair generation process for infinite time#202
- keygendialog email and name validition (issue 202)#203 (dakk)
- Better seeder for qrand() as noted in#238
- Lookup validity field to check if keys are valid#201 (thotypous)
- View box no longer trimming whitespace#210
- QtPass starts by searching for -psn_0_12345 on macOS#213
- Allow ssh links#211 (cgonzalez)
- Increase maximum password length to 255#209 (vladimiroff)
- Updated German Translation#206 (jounathaen)
- Better seeder for qrand() as noted in#238
- Italian translation#204 (dakk)
- Translated for Simplified Chinese.#208
v1.1.5 The more the merrier
v1.1.4 It's been a while
v1.1.3 Some more bug-squashing
- Clipboard now cleared when quitting or killing application#171
- Wait till processes done on edit#177
- Hide content now works when using templates#160
- Added warning started work on#161#150
Accidentally forgot to push the version updates before tagging last time, so a quick update was in order I think.
v1.1.2 Squashing bugs
- Fix build issues with MSVC2015 on Windows#175
- Deletion of empty folders when using git fixed#181
- Trimming of values in templates#182
- Updated translations, completed Dutch and German
Signedhttps://github.com/blog/2144-gpg-signature-verification as explainedhttps://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Tools-Signing-Your-Work
v1.1.1 Spring cleanup
- Same name for file and folder#159 (fixed up-stream)
- Use --secure for pwgen and more configurable options#168
- Some UI tweaks#158
- Some translation updates#162
- Remove Debian packaging#166
- Clear text input: use system icon instead of x#84
- Bind a key to the clear action#142
- Flat iconbd742d6 for more modern look
- Minor cleanup and FAQ changes
v1.1.0 Fresh, fixed and clean
Might requirelibqt5svg
or similar as dependency for fallback icons.
- Fixed
initialisation (used to generate predictable passwords)#129 - System Icons on Buttons#124
- Doubleclick on treeView#124
- Updated config layout#124
- Good (fallback) icons#143
- Translation fixes and additions
Other releases