International Polar Year 2007-2008
Upper: Snowstorm on Seymour Island, Antarctic Peninsula. Image provided by Jane Francis.
Lower: Middle Cretaceous forest on Antarctica; painting by Robert Nicholls, with permission for use by the artist and by the British Antarctic Survey who commissioned the painting and have it on display there.
The International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences (ISAES) is held once every four years to provide an international forum for presenting research results and new ideas and for planning future Antarctic geoscience research projects. The 10th ISAES coincides with the International Polar Year (IPY; 50th Anniversary of the International Geophysical Year) and has been structured to showcase the great breadth of geoscience research being done in Antarctic regions by more than more than 100 institutions located in over 30 countries. The science program of the Symposium encompasses six broad themes that cover key topics on evolution and interactions of the geosphere, cryosphere and biosphere and their cross-linkages with past and historic paleoclimates. Emphasis is also on deciphering the climate records in ice cores, geologic cores, rock outcrops and those inferred from climate models, as Antarctica has gone from a “greenhouse world” to an “icehouse world.” New technologies for the coming decades of geoscience data collection are also highlighted. Ten keynote presentations at the symposium outline the foundation for the research sessions of the symposium and the structure of the Proceedings publications for the 10th ISAES.
The ISAES is traditionally a cornerstone meeting for the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR), and has a valued history of research publications with comprehensive ISAES Proceedings Volumes.*10th ISAES Editorial Team John Anderson | U.S. Organizing Committee Robin Bell; ChairAlan Cooper; Publications manager Ian Dalziel; International coordination Carol Finn, Publications co-editor Paul Fitzgerald, Program committee James Kennett; Symposium co-manager Bruce Luyendyk, Symposium manager Samuel Mukasa; Development Ross Powell; Workshops Carol Raymond; Publications co-manager Christine Siddoway; Field excursions Terry Wilson; Program Committee chair Chuck Kennicutt, SCAR ex-officio International Steering Committee Peter Barrett; New ZealandAlessandro Capra; Italy Gino Casassa; Chile Frederick Davey; New Zealand Ian Fitzsimons; Australia Jane Francis; United Kingdom Marta Ghidella; Argentina Joachim Jacobs: Germany Hubert Miller, Germany Carlo Alberto Ricci; Italy | Funding agencies for the 10th ISAES U.S. National Science Foundation Division of PolarScientific Committee on Antarctic Research - Geosciences Standing Group - Antarctic Climate Evolution Program U.S. Geological Survey Collaborating agencies The National Academies- Polar Research Board U.S. Committee on International Polar Year University of California at Santa Barbara Stanford University Science peer-reviewers (SeeTable 2 for a list of all peer reviewers) |
The group photo was taken during the 10th ISAES meeting in Santa Barbara by Tony Mastres, and is used with permission (click the image for a larger version).
The Program Book is organized by day and topic; it also has an author index in the back.
Download the Program Book as a 145-page PDF file (3.5 MB).
The reports included in the Symposium Proceedings consist of:
Read theTable of Contents that lists all 340 papers (of2007-1047kp_dvd.pdf; 200 kB).
KP Intro:Introduction to the Keynote Papers
KP 01:Summary and Highlights of the 10th International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences, by T.J. Wilson, R.E. Bell, P. Fitzgerald, S.B. Mukasa, R.D. Powell, and C. Finn
KP 02:Antarctica Earth System Science in the International Polar Year 2007–2008, by R.E. Bell
KP 03:100 Million Years of Antarctic Climate Evolution: Evidence from Fossil Plants, by J.E. Francis, A. Ashworth, D.J. Cantrill, J.A. Crame, J. Howe, R. Stephens, A.-M. Tosolini, and V. Thorn
KP 04:Antarctica’s Continent-Ocean Transitions: Consequences for Tectonic Reconstructions, by K. Gohl
KP 05:Landscape Evolution of Antarctica, by S.S.R. Jamieson and D.E. Sugden
KP 06:A View of Antarctic Ice-Sheet Evolution from Sea-Level and Deep-Sea Isotope Changes During the Late Cretaceous-Cenozoic, by K.G. Miller, J.D. Wright, M.E. Katz, J.V. Browning, B.S. Cramer, B.S. Wade, and S.F. Mizintseva
KP 07:Late Cenozoic Climate History of the Ross Embayment from the AND-1B Drill Hole: Culmination of Three Decades of Antarctic Margin Drilling, by T.R. Naish, R.D. Powell, P.J. Barrett, R.H. Levy, S. Henrys, G.S. Wilson, L.A. Krissek, F. Niessen, M. Pompilio, J. Ross, R. Scherer, F. Talarico, A. Pyne, and the ANDRILL-MIS Science team
KP 08:A Pan-Precambrian Link Between Deglaciation and Environmental Oxidation, by T.D. Raub and J.L. Kirschvink
KP 09:Tectonics of the West Antarctic Rift System: New Light on the History and Dynamics of Distributed Intracontinental Extension, by C.S. Siddoway
KP 10:The Significance of Antarctica for Studies of Global Geodynamics, by R. Sutherland
KP 11:Antarctica and Global Paleogeography: From Rodinia, Through Gondwanaland and Pangea, to the Birth of the Southern Ocean and the Opening of Gateways, by T.H. Torsvik, C. Gaina, and T.F. Redfield
SRP 001:Advances through Collaboration: Sharing Seismic Reflection Data via the Antarctic Seismic Data Library System for Cooperative Research (SDLS), by N. Wardell, J.R. Childs, and A.K. Cooper
SRP 002:Antarctic Multibeam Bathymetry and Geophysical Data Synthesis: An On-Line Digital Data Resource for Marine Geoscience Research in the Southern Ocean, by S.M. Carbotte, W.B.F. Ryan, S. O'Hara, R. Arko, A. Goodwillie, A. Melkonian, R.A. Weissel, V.L. Ferrini
SRP 003:The Dinosaurs of the Early Jurassic Hanson Formation of the Central Transantarctic Mountains: Phylogenetic Review and Synthesis, by N.D. Smith, P.J. Makovicky, D. Pol, W.R. Hammer, and P.J. Currie
SRP 004:The Ellsworth Mountains: Critical and Enduringly Enigmatic, by I.W.D. Dalziel
SRP 005:Cenozoic Environmental Changes along the East Antarctic Continental Margin Inferred from Regional Seismic Stratigraphy, by G.L. Leitchenkov, Y.B. Guseva, and V.V. Gandyukhin
SRP 006:Magnetic Anomalies in East Antarctica: A Window on Major Tectonic Provinces and Their Boundaries, by A.V. Golynsky
SRP 007:Sm-Nd and U-Pb Isotopic Constraints for Crustal Evolution during Late Neoproterozic from Rocks of the Schirmacher Oasis, East Antarctica: Geodynamic Development Coeval with the East African Orogeny, by V. Ravikant, J.H. Laux, and M.M. Pimentel
SRP 008:IGY to IPY, the U.S. Antarctic Oversnow and Airborne Geophysical-Glaciological Research Program from 1957 to 1964 from the View of a Young Graduate Student, by John C. Behrendt
SRP 009:The Cosmonaut Sea Wedge, by K. Solli, B. Kuvaas, Y. Kristoffersen, G. Leitchenkov, J. Guseva, and V. Gandyukhin
SRP 010:Holocene Oceanographic and Climatic Variability of the Vega Drift Deduced through Foraminiferal Interpretation, by Phillip Szymcek, Scott E. Ishman, Eugene W. Domack, and Amy Leventer
SRP 011:SCIAMACHY’s View of the Polar Atmosphere, by M. Gottwald, E. Krieg, C. von Savigny, S. Noël, P. Reichl, A. Richter, H. Bovensmann, and J. P. Burrows
SRP 012:New Rb-Sr Mineral Ages Temporally Link Plume Events with Accretion at the Margin of Gondwana, by M.J. Flowerdew, J.S. Daly, and T.R. Riley
SRP 013:Upper Mantle Anisotropy from Teleseismic SKS Splitting beneath Lützow-Holm Bay Region, East Antarctica, by Y. Usui, M. Kanao, A. Kubo, Y. Hiramatsu, and H. Negishi
SRP 014:Insight into the Geology of the East Antarctic Hinterland: a Study of Sediment Inclusions from Ice Cores of the Lake Vostok Borehole, by G.L. Leitchenkov, B.V. Belyatsky, N.V. Rodionov, and S.A. Sergeev
SRP 015:Geoenvironments from the Vicinity of Arctowski Station, Admiralty Bay, King George Island, Antarctica: Vulnerability and Valuation Assessment, by Carlos Ernesto G.R. Schaefer, Rogério Mercandelle Santana, Felipe Nogueira Bello Simas, Márcio R. Francelino, Elpídio Inácio Fernandes Filho, Miriam Abreu Albuquerque, and Maria Lúcia Calijuri
SRP 016:Magnetic Anomalies Northeast of Cape Adare, Northern Victoria Land (Antarctica), and Their Relation to Onshore Structures, by D. Damaske, A.L. L äufer, F. Goldmann, H.-D. M öller, and F. Lisker
SRP 017:Cenozoic Antarctic DiatomWare/BugCam: An Aid for Research and Teaching, by S.W. Wise, M. Olney, J.M. Covington, V.M. Egerton, S. Jiang, D.K. Kulhanek S. Ramdeen, H. Schrader, P.A. Sims, A.S. Wood, A. Davis, D.R. Davenport, N. Doepler, W. Falcon, C. Lopez, T. Pressley, O.L. Swedberg, and D.M Harwood
SRP 018:Synthetic Seismograms and Spectral Cycles on the Andvord and Schollaert Drifts: Antarctic Peninsula, by P.L. Manley and S. Brachfeld
SRP 019:Paleocene and Maastrichtian Calcareous Nannofossils from Clasts in Pleistocene Glaciomarine Muds from the Northern James Ross Basin, Western Weddell Sea, Antarctica, by D.K. Kulhanek
SRP 020:Antarctic Ice-Rafted Detritus (IRD) in the South Atlantic: Indicators of Iceshelf Dynamics or Ocean Surface Conditions?, by Simon H.H. Nielsen and D.A. Hodell
SRP 021:Does the late Pliocene Change in the Architecture of the Antarctic Margin Correspond to the Transition to the Modern Antarctic Ice Sheet?, by M. Rebesco and A. Camerlenghi
SRP 022:Lithospheric Structure Across the Transantarctic Mountains Constrained by an Analysis of Gravity and Thermal Structure, by Audrey D. Huerta
SRP 023:Zircon U-Pb Ages from an Ultra-High Temperature Metapelite, Rauer Group, East Antarctica: Implications for Overprints by Grenvillian and Pan-African Events, by Yanbin Wang, Laixi Tong, and Dunyi Liu
SRP 024:Abrupt Turnover in Calcareous-Nannoplankton Assemblages across the Paleocene/Eocene Thermal Maximum: Implications for Surface-Water Oligotrophy over the Kerguelen Plateau, Southern Indian Ocean, by Shijun Jiang and Sherwood W. Wise, Jr.
SRP 025:Basement and Crustal Structure of the Davis Sea Region (East Antarctica): Implications for Tectonic Setting and Continent to Oceanic Boundary Definition, by Y.B. Guseva, G.L. Leitchenkov, V.V. Gandyukhin, and S.V. Ivanov
SRP 026:Extensive Debris Flow Deposits on the Eastern Wilkes Land Margin: A Key to Changing Glacial Regimes, by C. Escutia, F. Donda, F.J. Lobo, and M. Tanahashi
SRP 027:Granulometry of Pebble Beach Ridges in Fort Williams Point, Greenwich Island, Antarctic Peninsula; a Possible Result from Holocene Climate Fluctuations, by E. Santana and J.F. Dumont
SRP 028:Crustal Structure and Evolution of the Mawson Sea, Western Wilkes Land Margin, East Antarctica, by G.L. Leitchenkov, V.V Gandyukhin, Yu. B. Guseva, and A. Yu. Kazankov
SRP 029:Sea Ice Concentration Temporal Variability over the Weddell Sea and Its Relationship with Tropical Sea Surface Temperature, by S. Barreira and R. Compagnucci
SRP 030:Geology of the Byrd Glacier Discontinuity (Ross Orogen): New Survey Data from the Britannia Range, Antarctica, by R. Carosi, F. Giacomini, F. Talarico, and E. Stump
SRP 031:Unconsolidated Sediments at the Bottom of Lake Vostok from Seismic Data, by I. Filina, V. Lukin, V. Masolov, and D. Blankenship
SRP 032:Platinum-Group Elements in Sills of the Jurassic Ferrar Large Igneous Province from Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica, by R. Hanemann and L. Viereck-Goette
SRP 033:Jurassic Magmatism in Dronning Maud Land: Synthesis of Results of the MAMOG Project, by P.T. Leat, M.L Curtis, T.R. Riley, and F. Ferraccioli
SRP 034:Main Andean Sinistral Shear Along the Cooper Bay Dislocation Zone, South Georgia?, by M.L. Curtis
SRP 035:New40Ar/39Ar and K/Ar Ages of Dikes in the South Shetland Islands (Antarctic Peninsula), by S. Kraus, M. McWilliams, and Z. Pecskay
SRP 036:Solar Forcing and El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Influences on Productivity Cycles Interpreted from a Late-Holocene High-Resolution Marine Sediment Record, Adélie Drift, East Antarctic Margin, by E. Costa, R.B. Dunbar, K.A. Kryc, D.A. Mucciarone, S. Brachfeld, E.B. Roark, P.L. Manley, R.W. Murray, and A. Leventer
SRP 037:East Antarctic Ice Sheet Fluctuations During the Middle Miocene Climatic Transition Inferred from Faunal and Biogeochemical Data on Planktonic Foraminifera (ODP Hole 747A, Kerguelen Plateau), by M. Verducci, L.M. Foresi, G.H. Scott, M. Tiepolo, M. Sprovieri, and F. Lirer
SRP 038:Solubility of TiO2 in Garnet and Orthopyroxene: Ti Thermometer for Ultrahigh-Temperature Granulites, by Toshisuke Kawasaki and Yoichi Motoyoshi
SRP 039:Early Precambrian Mantle Derived Rocks in the Southern Prince Charles Mountains, East Antarctica: Age and Isotopic Constraints, by E.V. Mikhalsky, F. Henjes-Kunst, and N.W. Roland
SRP 040:Mega Debris Flow Deposits on the Western Wilkes Land Margin, East Antarctica, by F. Donda, P.E. O'Brien, L. De Santis, M. Rebesco, and G. Brancolini
SRP 041:History of Views on the Relative Positions of Antarctica and South America: A 100-Year Tango Between Patagonia and the Antarctic Peninsula, by H. Miller
SRP 042:The History of Antarctic Peninsula Glaciation, by Peter F. Barker
SRP 043:East Antarctic Ice-Sheet Dynamics Between 5.2 and 0 Ma from a High-Resolution Terrigenous Particle Size Record, ODP Site 1165, Prydz Bay-Cooperation Sea, by S. Passchier
SRP 044:Thermochronologic Constraints on Jurassic Rift Flank Denudation in the Thiel Mountains, Antarctica, by P.G. Fitzgerald and S.L. Baldwin
SRP 045:Basal Adare Volcanics, Robertson Bay, North Victoria Land, Antarctica: Late Miocene Intraplate Basalts of Subaqueous Origin, by N. Mortimer, W.J. Dunlap, M.J. Isaac, R.P. Sutherland, and K. Faure
SRP 046:Cretaceous Oblique Detachment Tectonics in the Fosdick Mountains, Marie Byrd Land, Antarctica, by R. McFadden, C.S. Siddoway, C. Teyssier, C.M. Fanning, and S.C. Kruckenberg
SRP 047:Geophysical Survey Reveals Tectonic Structures in the Amundsen Sea Embayment, West Antarctica, by K. Gohl, D. Teterin, G. Eagles, G. Netzeband, J.W.G. Grobys, N. Parsiegla, P. Schlüter, V. Leinweber, R.D. Larter, G. Uenzelmann-Neben, and G.B. Udintsev
SRP 048:Geology of the Terre Adélie Craton (135 - 146º E), by R.P. Ménot, G. Duclaux, J.J. Peucat, Y. Rolland, S. Guillot, M. Fanning, J. Bascou, D. Gapais, and A. Pêcher
SRP 049:Tectonic History of Mid-Miocene to Present Southern Victoria Land Basin, Inferred from Seismic Stratigraphy in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica, by S. Henrys, T. Wilson, J.M. Whittaker, C. Fielding, J. Hall, and T. Naish
SRP 050:New Magnetic Anomaly Map of East Antarctica and Surrounding Regions, by A. Golynsky, D. Blankenship, M. Chiappini, D.Damaske, F. Ferraccioli, C. Finn, D. Golynsky, A. Goncharov, T. Ishihara, S. Ivanov, W. Jokat, H.R. Kim, M. König, V. Masolov, Y. Nogi, M. Sand, M. Studing, and the ADMAP Working Group
SRP 051:Jurassic Silicic Volcanism in the Transantarctic Mountains: Was it Related to Plate Margin Processes or to Ferrar Magmatism?, by D.H. Elliot, T.H. Fleming, K.A. Foland, and C.M. Fanning
SRP 052:Regional Seismic Stratigraphic Correlations of the Ross Sea: Implications for the Tectonic History of the West Antarctic Rift System, by Robert C. Decesari, Christopher C. Sorlien, Bruce P. Luyendyk, Douglas S. Wilson, Louis Bartek, John Diebold, and Sarah E. Hopkins
SRP 053:Microstructural Study of Natural Fractures in Cape Roberts Project 3 Core, Western Ross Sea, Antarctica, by C. Millan, T. Wilson, and T. Paulsen
SRP 054:Modeling Environmental Bias and Computing Velocity Field from Data of Terra Nova Bay GPS Network in Antarctica by Means of a Quasi-Observation Processing Approach, by Giuseppe Casula, Marco Dubbini, and Angelo Galeandro
SRP 055:Break-up of Gondwana and Opening of the South Atlantic: Review of Existing Plate Tectonic Models, by M.E. Ghidella, L.A. Lawver, and L.M. Gahagan
SRP 056:Airborne Geophysics as a Tool for Geoscientific Research in Antarctica: Some Recent Examples, by F. Ferraccioli, P.C. Jones, P. Leat, and T.A. Jordan
SRP 057:Distribution and Origin of Authigenic Smectite Clays in Cape Roberts Project Core 3, Victoria Land Basin, Antarctica, by A.M. Priestas and S.W. Wise
SRP 058:The Pan-African Nappe Tectonics in the Shackleton Range, by W. Buggisch and G. Kleinschmidt
SRP 059:The Ross Orogen and Lachlan Fold Belt in Marie Byrd Land, Northern Victoria Land and New Zealand: Implication for the Tectonic Setting of the Lachlan Fold Belt in Antarctica, by J.D. Bradshaw
SRP 060:High-resolution Airborne Gravity Imaging over James Ross Island (West Antarctica), by T.A. Jordan, F. Ferraccioli, P.C. Jones, J.L. Smellie, M. Ghidella, H. Corr, and A.F. Zakrajsek
SRP 061:Geometrical Analysis of Structural Data Collected at High South Latitude: A Modular Arithmetic Method that Addresses Meridional Convergence, by C.S. Siddoway and M.F. Siddoway
SRP 062:Metamorphic Conditions during Formation of a Metapelitic Sillimanite-Garnet Gneiss from Clemence Massif, Prince Charles Mountains, East Antarctica, by A.F. Corvino, S.D. Boger, and C.J.L. Wilson
SRP 063:The Cambrian Ross Orogeny in Northern Victoria Land (Antarctica) and New Zealand: A Synthesis, by L. Federico, G. Capponi, L. Crispini, and J.D. Bradshaw
SRP 064:Analysis of Continuous GPS Measurements from Southern Victoria Land, Antarctica, by Michael J. Willis
SRP 065:Pan-African Granulites of Central Dronning Maud Land and Mozambique: A Comparison Within the East-African-Antarctic Orogen, by A.K. Engvik, S. Elvevold, J. Jacobs, E. Tveten, S. de Azevedo, and F. Njange
SRP 066:Occurrence of a Young Elasmosaurid Plesiosaur Skeleton from the Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) of Antarctica, by James E. Martin, J. Foster Sawyer, Marcelo Reguero, and Judd A. Case
SRP 067:Influence of Submarine Morphology on Bottom Water Flow across the Western Ross Sea Continental Margin, by F.J. Davey and S.S. Jacobs
SRP 068:The United States Polar Rock Repository: A Geological Resource for the Earth Science Community, by Anne M. Grunow, David H. Elliot, and Julie E. Codispoti
SRP 069:Craddock Massif and Vinson Massif Remeasured, by Damien Gildea and John Splettstoesser
SRP 070:Permafrost and Active Layer Monitoring in the Maritime Antarctic: Preliminary Results from CALM Sites on Livingston and Deception Islands, by M. Ramos, G. Vieira, S. Gruber, J.J. Blanco, C. Hauck, M.A. Hidalgo, D. TomŽ, M. Neves, and A. Trindade
SRP 071:The Contribution of Geomagnetic Observatories and Magnetic Models to the Study of Secular Variation and Jerks in Antarctica, by A. Meloni, L. Cafarella, P. De Michelis, and R. Tozzi
SRP 072:Elongate Summit Calderas as Neogene Paleostress Indicators in Antarctica, by T.S. Paulsen and T.J. Wilson
SRP 073:Vertical Motions in Northern Victoria Land Inferred from GPS: A Comparison with a Glacial Isostatic Adjustment Model, by F. Mancini, M. Negusini, A. Zanutta, and A. Capra
SRP 074:Miocene-Pliocene Ice-Volcano Interactions at Monogenetic Volcanoes Near Hobbs Coast, Marie Byrd Land, Antarctica, by T.I. Wilch and W.C. McIntosh
SRP 075:Aeromagnetic Search for Cenozoic Magmatism over the Admiralty Mountains Block (East Antarctica), by E. Armadillo, F. Ferraccioli, A. Zunino, E. Bozzo, S. Rocchi, and P. Armienti
SRP 076:Organic Carbon Stocks in Permafrost-Affected Soils from Admiralty Bay, Antarctica, by F.N.B. Simas, C.E.G.R. Schaefer, E.S. Mendonça, I.R. Silva, R.M. Santana, and A.S.S. Ribeiro
SRP 077:Observations of Chlorine Monoxide over Scott Base, Antarctica, during the Ozone Hole, 1996-2005, by Brian Connor, Philip Solomon, James Barrett, Thomas Mooney, and Alan Parrish
SRP 078:Major, Trace Element and Stable Isotope Geochemistry of Synorogenic Breccia Bodies, Ellsworth Mountains, Antarctica, by J.P. Craddock, M.S. McGillion, and G.F. Webers
SRP 079:Analysis of the Dinoflagellate Cyst Genus Impletosphaeridium as a Marker of Sea-Ice Conditions off Seymour Island: An Ecomorphological Approach, by S. Warny, J.B. Anderson, L. Londeix, and P.J. Bart
SRP 080:Silicified Wood from the Permian and Triassic of Antarctica: Tree Rings from Polar Paleolatitudes, by P.E. Ryberg and E.L. Taylor
SRP 081:Paleobotany of Livingston Island: The First Report of a Cretaceous Fossil Flora from Hannah Point, by M. Leppe, W. Michea, C. Muñoz, S. Palma-Heldt, and F. Fernandoy
SRP 082:Ovule-Bearing Reproductive Organs of the Glossopterid Seed Ferns from the Late Permian of the Beardmore Glacier Region, Antarctica, by E.L. Taylor, T.N. Taylor, and P.E. Ryberg
SRP 083:A Dromaeosaur from the Maastrichtian of James Ross Island and the Late Cretaceous Antarctic Dinosaur Fauna, by Judd A. Case, James E. Martin, and Marcelo Reguero
SRP 084:Differences in Ice Retreat across Pine Island Bay, West Antarctica, since the Last Glacial Maximum: Indications from Multichannel Seismic Reflection Data, by G. Uenzelmann-Neben, K. Gohl, R.D. Larter, and P. Schlüter
SRP 085:Tectonic Elements of the Continental Margin of East Antarctica, 38-164ºE, by P.E. O'Brien and H.M.J. Stagg
SRP 086:Active Tectonics on Deception Island (West-Antarctica): A New Approach by Using the Fractal Anisotropy of Lineaments, Fault Slip Measurements and the Caldera Collapse Shape, by R. Pérez-López, J.L. Giner-Robles, J.J. Martínez-Díaz, M.A. Rodríguez-Pascua, M. Bejar, C. Paredes, and J.M. González-Casado
SRP 087:The "Golden Shale": An Indicator of Coastal Stability for Marble Point, McMurdo Sound, over the Last Four Million Years, by G.G.C. Claridge and I.B. Campbell
SRP 088:Trends in Discharge and Flow Season Timing of the Onyx River, Wright Valley, Antarctica since 1969, by Michael N. Gooseff, Diane M. McKnight, Peter T. Doran, and W. Berry Lyons
SRP 089:Airborne Laser Swath Mapping of the Denton Hills, Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica: Applications for Structural and Glacial Geomorphic Mapping, by Terry Wilson and Beata Csathó
SRP 090:Seismic Facies and Stratigraphy of the Cenozoic Succession in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica: Implications for Tectonic, Climatic and Glacial History, by C.R. Fielding, J. Whittaker, S.A. Henrys, T.J. Wilson, and T.R. Naish
SRP 091:Aeromagnetic Anomaly Patterns Reveal Buried Faults along the Eastern Margin of the Wilkes Subglacial Basin (East Antarctica), by E. Armadillo, F. Ferraccioli, A. Zunino, and E. Bozzo
SRP 092:40Ar-39Ar Age Constraints on Volcanism and Tectonism in the Terror Rift of the Ross Sea, Antarctica, by S.E. Rilling, S.B. Mukasa, T.J. Wilson, L.A. Lawver
SRP 093:The Next Generation Antarctic Digital Magnetic Anomaly Map, by R.R.B. von Frese, A.V. Golynsky, H.R. Kim, L. Gaya-Piqué, E. Thébault, M. Chiappini, M. Ghidella, A. Grunow, and the ADMAP Working Group
SRP 094:Seismic and Chronostratigraphic Results from SHALDRIL II, Northwestern Weddell Sea, by J.B. Anderson, J. Wellner, S. Wise, S. Bohaty, P. Manley, T. Smith, F. Weaver, and D. Kulhanek
SRP 095:High Resolution Stable Isotope and Carbonate Variability during the Early Oligocene Climate Transition: Walvis Ridge (ODP Site 1263), by Christina R. Riesselman, Robert B. Dunbar, David A. Mucciarone, and Saya S. Kitasei
SRP 096:Morphotectonic Architecture of the Transantarctic Mountains Rift Flank between the Royal Society Range and the Churchill Mountains Based on Geomorphic Analysis, by Elizabeth Demyanick and Terry J. Wilson
SRP 097:Subglacial Conditions at a Sticky Spot along Kamb Ice Stream, West Antarctica, by L.E. Peters and S. Anandakrishnan
SRP 098:Cretaceous and Tertiary Extension Throughout the Ross Sea, Antarctica, by Robert C. Decesari, Douglas S. Wilson, Bruce P. Luyendyk, and Michael Faulkner
SRP 099:Global Polar Geospatial Information Service Retrieval Based on Search Engine and Ontology Reasoning, by Nengcheng Chen, Dongcheng E, Liping Di, Jianya Gong, and Zeqiang Chen
SRP 100:Major Magmatic Events in Mt Meredith, Prince Charles Mountains: First Evidence for Early Palaeozoic Syntectonic Granites, by N.A. Gongurov, A.A. Laiba, and B.V. Beliatsky
SRP 101:Thermochronologic Constraints on the Tectonic Evolution of the Western Antarctic Peninsula in Late Mesozoic and Cenozoic Times, by M.R. Brix, V. Faundez, F. Hervé, M. Solari, J. Fernandez, A. Carter, and B. Stöckhert
SRP 102:Triassic-Jurassic Sediments and Multiple Volcanic Events in North Victoria Land, Antarctica: A Revised Stratigraphic Model, by R. Schöner, L. Viereck-Goette, J. Schneider, and B. Bomfleur
SRP 103:Regolith Transport in the Dry Valleys of Antarctica, by J. Putkonen, M. Rosales, N. Turpen, D. Morgan, G. Balco, and M. Donaldson
SRP 104:Multiple Shallow Level Sill Intrusions Coupled with Hydromagmatic Explosive Eruptions Marked the Initial Phase of Ferrar Large Igneous Province Magmatism in Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica, by L. Viereck-Goette, R. Schöner, B. Bomfleur, and J. Schneider
SRP 105:Denudation and Uplift of the Mawson Escarpment (Eastern Lambert Graben, Antarctica) as Indicated by Apatite Fission Track Data and Geomorphological Observation, by F. Lisker, H. Gibson, C.J. Wilson, and A. Läufer
SRP 106:Records of Past Ice Sheet Fluctuations in Interior East Antarctica, by Xiaohan Liu, Feixin Huang, Ping Kong, Aimin Fang, and Xiaoli Li
SRP 107:Review of the Geology and Paleontology of the Ellsworth Mountains, Antarctica, by G.F. Webers and J.F. Splettstoesser
SRP 108:Structure of the Central Terror Rift, Western Ross Sea, Antarctica, by Jerome Hall, Terry Wilson, and Stuart Henrys
SRP 109:Architecture of the Oblique-Slip Conjugate Margins of George V Land and Southeast Australia, by H.M.J. Stagg and A.M. Reading
Extended Abstracts folder (including a table of contents of the EAs)
Meeting and Workshop Reports folder (including a table of contents of the MWRs)
The banner photograph of the Royal Society Range in Antarctica is by Gregory Murphy of Raytheon Polar Services in McMurdo.
For questions about the content of this report, contactAlan Cooper.
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This book consisting of paper versions of the Keynote Papers and a DVD-ROM in the back with all of the papers is available fromThe National Academies Press.
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Page Contact Information:Michael Diggles
Page Created: September 13, 2007
Page Last Modified: July 2, 2009 (mfd)