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.2022 Dec 15;12(12):e9633.
doi: 10.1002/ece3.9633. eCollection 2022 Dec.

Time-calibrated phylogeny and ecological niche models indicate Pliocene aridification drove intraspecific diversification of brushtail possums in Australia


Time-calibrated phylogeny and ecological niche models indicate Pliocene aridification drove intraspecific diversification of brushtail possums in Australia

David Carmelet-Rescan et al. Ecol Evol..


Major aridification events in Australia during the Pliocene may have had significant impact on the distribution and structure of widespread species. To explore the potential impact of Pliocene and Pleistocene climate oscillations, we estimated the timing of population fragmentation and past connectivity of the currently isolated but morphologically similar subspecies of the widespread brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula). We use ecological niche modeling (ENM) with the current fragmented distribution of brushtail possums to estimate the environmental envelope of this marsupial. We projected the ENM on models of past climatic conditions in Australia to infer the potential distribution of brushtail possums over 6 million years. D-loop haplotypes were used to describe population structure. From shotgun sequencing, we assembled whole mitochondrial DNA genomes and estimated the timing of intraspecific divergence. Our projections of ENMs suggest current possum populations were unlikely to have been in contact during the Pleistocene. Although lowered sea level during glacial periods enabled connection with habitat in Tasmania, climate fluctuation during this time would not have facilitated gene flow over much of Australia. The most recent common ancestor of sampled intraspecific diversity dates to the early Pliocene when continental aridification caused significant changes to Australian ecology andTrichosurus vulpecula distribution was likely fragmented. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that the subspeciesT. v. hypoleucus (koomal; southwest),T. v. arnhemensis (langkurr; north), andT. v. vulpecula (bilda; southeast) correspond to distinct mitochondrial lineages. Despite little phenotypic differentiation,Trichosurus vulpecula populations probably experienced little gene flow with one another since the Pliocene, supporting the recognition of several subspecies and explaining their adaptations to the regional plant assemblages on which they feed.

Keywords: Australia; climate cycles; environmental niche modeling; marsupials; molecular dating; possums; subspecies.

© 2022 The Authors. Ecology and Evolution published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

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The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare. All co‐authors have seen and agree with the contents of the manuscript and there is no financial interest to report. We certify that the submission is original work and is not under review at any other publication.


Sampling locations in Australia and New Zealand ofTrichosurus vulpecula brushtail possums used for phylogenetic analyses. Spot colors coded by putative subspecies identification. The number of samples providing mitogenome sequences for molecular dating (in parentheses) and number of samples providing D‐loop sequence [in square brackets]. In lighter green is the putative current distribution of brushtail possum in Australia (Kerle, 2002). Gray brushtail possum inset credit: Tony Jewell.
(a) Presence–absence points ofTrichosurus vulpecula in Australia used for environmental niche modeling, with presence records from the GBIF database and pseudo‐absence generated using the biomod2 SRE algorithm. Numbered squares represent the spatial blocks defined by blockCV and run separately to be combined in the ensemble modeling. (b) Weighted mean ensemble ecological niche modeling projections on current and past climate data (Mid‐Holocene, Last Glacial Maximum, Last Interglacial period, Mid‐Pliocene warm period, and Pliocene M2). Pixel of colors represents ensemble modeling scores; green, scores above the cut‐off maximizing sensitivity (635.5); purple, scores >70% of this cut‐off value (444.85); and gray, low scores signifying low probability of presence.
(a) Resolved minimum spanning haplotype network of mitochondrial D‐loop sequences ofTrichosurus vulpecula subspecies from Australia and New Zealand. Samples used for phylogenetic and molecular clock analysis are indicated with specimen codes. Network nodes are scaled by number of individuals sharing a haplotype and colored by population origin. Number of steps between haplotypes is represented by dashes on the branches. (b) Scatterplot of the two main components of the DAPC analysis of D‐loop alignment fromTrichosurus vulpecula in Australia and New Zealand with subspecies as prior grouping. Prior principal components analysis and discriminant analysis eigenvalues and selected components are also displayed. Each dot is an individual place with two coordinates on the discriminant analysis of two main components. The discriminant analysis uses genetic data to separate groups, and distance between groups on the discriminant analysis components correlates with the genetic distance of the groups.
(a) Molecular clock‐calibrated phylogeny to estimate the most recent common ancestor ofTrichosurus vulpecula and the short‐eared possumT. caninus using whole mitochondrial genomes. Calibration nodes (orange circles) based on dates from fossil‐calibrated analyses (Meredith et al., 2009). Maximum clade credibility tree using calibrated Beast analysis under Yule model, nodes corresponding to the divergence of lineages are dated in million years, and the bars represent the 95% HDP interval. (b) Phylogenetic hypothesis for brushtail possumTrichosurus vulpecula using whole mitochondrial genomes. Maximum clade credibility tree using calibrated Beast analysis under coalescent model overlapped with a representation of the different trees from the MCMC chain made using DensiTree. The nodes corresponding to the divergence of lineages are dated in million years and the 95% HDP interval is indicated and represented by the bars. Names of the sampled subspecies are indicated, and possum codes are colored accordingly.
Hypothesis of intraspecificTrichosurus vulpecula differentiation in Australia inferred from calibrated phylogeny and niche modeling analyses. The main lineage splitting during the Pliocene corresponds to strong continental aridification, while Pleistocene glacial periods enabled exchange between Tasmania and South Australia due to lowered sea level. Aridification associated with the glacial period also restricted forest habitat that may have forced more intense plant–herbivore coevolution.
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