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.2021 Dec 17;7(51):eabj5567.
doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abj5567. Epub 2021 Dec 15.

Landscape modification by Last Interglacial Neanderthals


Landscape modification by Last Interglacial Neanderthals

Wil Roebroeks et al. Sci Adv..


Little is known about the antiquity, nature, and scale of Pleistocene hunter-gatherer impact on their ecosystems, despite the importance for studies of conservation and human evolution. Such impact is likely to be limited, mainly because of low population densities, and challenging to detect and interpret in terms of cause-effect dynamics. We present high-resolution paleoenvironmental and archaeological data from the Last Interglacial locality of Neumark-Nord (Germany). Among the factors that shaped vegetation structure and succession in this lake landscape, we identify a distinct ecological footprint of hominin activities, including fire use. We compare these data with evidence from archaeological and baseline sites from the same region. At Neumark-Nord, notably open vegetation coincides with a virtually continuous c. 2000-year-long hominin presence, and the comparative data strongly suggest that hominins were a contributing factor. With an age of c. 125,000 years, Neumark-Nord provides an early example of a hominin role in vegetation transformation.

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Fig. 1.
Fig. 1.. Location of Neumark-Nord and other Last Interglacial archaeological sites
relative to the maximum ice extents of the Saalian and Weichselian glaciers. Modified after (18).
Fig. 2.
Fig. 2.. Overview of archaeological and environmental data for Neumark-Nord 2.
Neumark-Nord 2, HP 7/10 section, with depth in centimeters, PAZ (for duration in years, see table S1), composite pollen percentage diagram (see also Fig. 3), charcoal particles >1 mm/5 liters of sediment, lithological units, and archaeological find levels. For a detailed description of this section, see Supplementary Text and fig. S1.
Fig. 3.
Fig. 3.. Comparison of Last Interglacial pollen diagrams from Neumark-Nord, Gröbern, and Grabschütz.
Composite pollen diagrams with trees and shrubs in white, dryland herbs in green, and the percentage curves for three main defining arboreal taxa,Quercus,Corylus, andCarpinus. The pollen sum is the same for all four diagrams: All plants except aquatics and riverine species. Graphs after (38) (recalculated), (55), (62), and (50). Depth in Grabschütz is given in meters above sea level (NN, normal null); the others are floating depths within the sampled sections. The red dashed lines confine PAZ IV as defined in the original diagrams.
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