Coblopasvir and sofosbuvir for treatment of chronic hepatitis C virus infection in China: A single-arm, open-label, phase 3 trial
- PMID:33047868
- PMCID: PMC7702130
- DOI: 10.1111/liv.14633
Coblopasvir and sofosbuvir for treatment of chronic hepatitis C virus infection in China: A single-arm, open-label, phase 3 trial
Background & aim: An affordable, pangenotypic regimen remains as an unmet medical need for chronic hepatitis C patients in China. This single-arm, open-label, multicenter, phase 3 trial evaluated the efficacy and safety of coblopasvir, a pangenotypic non-structural protein 5A (NS5A) inhibitor, combined with sofosbuvir for treating Chinese patients with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection.
Methods: Treatment-naïve and interferon-experienced adult patients, including those with advanced fibrosis (F3) or compensated cirrhosis (F4), were treated with a universal, combinational regimen of coblopasvir 60 mg and sofosbuvir 400 mg, once daily, for 12 weeks. The primary efficacy endpoint was sustained virological response at post-treatment week 12 (SVR12).
Results: Overall, 371 patients (men, 51%; age, 47 ± 11 years; genotype 1a < 1%, 1b 48%, 2a 26%, 3a 6%, 3b 7% and 6 12%) were enrolled from 19 sites. Fifty-one patients (14%) had F3, 39 patients (11%) had F4 and 39 patients (11%) were interferon experienced. The overall SVR12 was 97% (95% CI, [94%, 98%]) for the full analysis set and was equal to or above 90% for all predefined subsets. Ten patients (3%) experienced virological relapse and two patients did not complete follow-up. No adverse events (AEs) occurred at a frequency ≥5%, and the most often reported AEs (≥1%) were neutropenia and fatigue. The majority of AEs were mild to moderate and transient without specific medical intervention.
Conclusions: The universal, pangenotypic combo of coblopasvir plus sofosbuvir is an efficacious and safe treatment for Chinese patients monoinfected with HCV of genotype 1, 2, 3 and 6, including those with compensated cirrhosis.
Lay summary: The regimen of coblopasvir and sofosbuvir is a safe and effective treatment for Chinese patients with genotype 1, 2, 3 and 6 HCV infection, including those with compensated cirrhosis. Therefore, this regimen would be a novel choice of treatment for this patient population.
Keywords: coblopasvir; pangenotypic regimen; safety; sofosbuvir; sustained virological response.
© 2020 The Authors. Liver International published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Conflict of interest statement
Jing Ning, Hai Pan and Hong Qin were employees of Kawin Technology when executing this trial, and Li Li and Desheng Zhou are employees and stakeholders of Kawin Technology. The other authors have no conflict of interest to declare.
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