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doi: 10.7717/peerj.6642. eCollection 2019.

The chemical composition of a new "mica sandwich" foraminiferal species from the East Coast of Korea:Capsammina crassa sp. nov


The chemical composition of a new "mica sandwich" foraminiferal species from the East Coast of Korea:Capsammina crassa sp. nov

Somin Lee et al. PeerJ..


We describe a new agglutinated monothalamous foraminiferal species,Capsammina crassa sp. nov., based on integrated observations of the test morphology and the chemical characteristics of materials composing the test. The new species was found at a depth of <60 m on the East coast of Korea. The test morphology is typical of the genusCapsammina, comprising two or more mica plates with a ring of finely agglutinated mineral grains sandwiched between them and surrounding the cell body. There is no distinct test aperture. Elemental analyses of the agglutinated grains revealed 15 different types of mineral grains of which quartz is the most abundant. The surface areas of grains exposed on fractured surfaces ranged from 1.6 to 7,700 μm2 and the large plate-like grains forming the upper and lower surfaces measured about 420-2,350 μm in maximum width. The new species is morphologically similar toC. patelliformis, however, the differences in size, distribution area and depth support that these two species are distinct. This discovery is the first record of the genusCapsammina from the North Pacific. Therefore, it extends the biodiversity and geographical distribution of the genusCapsammina, which has been reported only from the bathyal NE Atlantic. Our finding also suggests the possibility of additional discovery of monothalamous foraminifera from around Korea.

Keywords: Capsammina; Foraminifera; Mineral; Monothalamous; South Korea.

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The authors declare that they have no competing interests.


Figure 1
Figure 1. The map of study area and location of sampling site (station E08, 37°23′55.665″N, 129°14′57.671″E) marked with a star.
Arrows indicate schematically the water currents of the East/Japan Sea (dark arrow: cold water current, light arrow: warm current). EKWC separates from TWC and flows northward. NKCC flows southward along the east coast of Korean Peninsula. EKWC = East Korea Warm Current. NKCC = North Korea Cold Current. TWC = Tsushima Warm Current. This map is made with Natural Earth. Free vector and raster map data at, and QGIS software v.2.18.18, a free and open source geographic information system. Water current information are from schematic map of surface current in the neighboring seas of Korea by Korea hydrographic and oceanographic agency.
Figure 2
Figure 2.Capsammina crassa sp. nov. secondary electron images of two specimens (A–F).
The two large micas form the exterior of the test, largely obscuring the small grains that form the inner wall. Scale bars = 100 μm.
Figure 3
Figure 3.Capsammina crassa sp. nov.
Test of after removing one of the mica plates. The frontal and side view of the test with one mica plate removed are shown in A and C. The organic remains of the cell are visible in images B and D. Scale bars = 100 μm.
Figure 4
Figure 4.Capsammina crassa sp. nov.
Backscattered SEM image showing smaller grains arranged in radiating linear patterns, probably corresponding to pseudopodia and possibly associated with test construction. (A) Full frontal view of a test without one of the mica plates. (B and C) Close-up of smaller grains arranged inside the test shown in (A). Scale bars = 100 μm.
Figure 5
Figure 5.Capsammina crassa sp. nov.
(A) ESEM-EDS image showing elemental composition of the agglutinated grains; the following elements are distinguished: Si, Al, Fe, I, Ti, Ca, Mg, Na and K. (B) Secondary electron image showing the density contrast between the quartz grains (a) mainly composed of Si (darker), the calcite grains (b) mainly composed of Ca (intermediate gray) and the oxides (c), in this case containing Fe composition (bright grains). Scale bars = 100 μm.
Figure 6
Figure 6. Log-normal distribution of the grain size of the minerals attached to the mica plate.
Figure 7
Figure 7.Capsammina crassa sp. nov.
Secondary electron SEM of the test interior showing the underside of the large mica plate, the base of the finely-agglutinated inner wall, and the organic remains of the cell in the center (A–C). Three detailed images show the mineralogical diversity of the grains in the wall (D and F) and details of the cell body containing diatoms (E).
Figure 8
Figure 8.Capsammina crassa sp. nov. ESEM-EDS color image of the interior of the specimen illustrated in Fig. 7.
Individual mineral grains are identified based on point elemental analyses. (A) The underside of the lmica plate in Fig. 7, showing the base of the finely-agglutinated inner wall and the organic remains of the cell in the center. (B) Close-up of (A) showing the types of minerals located at ‘+’ shaped points.
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Grants and funding

This work was supported by the Ministry of Environment (MOE) of the Republic of Korea to the National Institute of Biological Resources (No. NIBR201839201), and by the Marine Biotechnology Program of the Korea Institute of Marine Science and Technology Promotion (KIMST, No. 20170431) funded by the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries (MOF) to the Marine Biodiversity institute of Korea (MABIK). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.

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