The chemical composition of a new "mica sandwich" foraminiferal species from the East Coast of Korea:Capsammina crassa sp. nov
- PMID:30923656
- PMCID: PMC6431544
- DOI: 10.7717/peerj.6642
The chemical composition of a new "mica sandwich" foraminiferal species from the East Coast of Korea:Capsammina crassa sp. nov
We describe a new agglutinated monothalamous foraminiferal species,Capsammina crassa sp. nov., based on integrated observations of the test morphology and the chemical characteristics of materials composing the test. The new species was found at a depth of <60 m on the East coast of Korea. The test morphology is typical of the genusCapsammina, comprising two or more mica plates with a ring of finely agglutinated mineral grains sandwiched between them and surrounding the cell body. There is no distinct test aperture. Elemental analyses of the agglutinated grains revealed 15 different types of mineral grains of which quartz is the most abundant. The surface areas of grains exposed on fractured surfaces ranged from 1.6 to 7,700 μm2 and the large plate-like grains forming the upper and lower surfaces measured about 420-2,350 μm in maximum width. The new species is morphologically similar toC. patelliformis, however, the differences in size, distribution area and depth support that these two species are distinct. This discovery is the first record of the genusCapsammina from the North Pacific. Therefore, it extends the biodiversity and geographical distribution of the genusCapsammina, which has been reported only from the bathyal NE Atlantic. Our finding also suggests the possibility of additional discovery of monothalamous foraminifera from around Korea.
Keywords: Capsammina; Foraminifera; Mineral; Monothalamous; South Korea.
Conflict of interest statement
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.

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