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.2018 Jul 6;361(6397):81-85.
doi: 10.1126/science.aao4776.

The evolutionary history of dogs in the Americas

Máire Ní Leathlobhair  1Angela R Perri  2  3Evan K Irving-Pease  4Kelsey E Witt  5Anna Linderholm  4  6James Haile  4  7Ophelie Lebrasseur  4Carly Ameen  8Jeffrey Blick  9Adam R Boyko  10Selina Brace  11Yahaira Nunes Cortes  12Susan J Crockford  13Alison Devault  14Evangelos A Dimopoulos  4Morley Eldridge  15Jacob Enk  14Shyam Gopalakrishnan  7Kevin Gori  1Vaughan Grimes  16Eric Guiry  17Anders J Hansen  7  18Ardern Hulme-Beaman  4  8John Johnson  19Andrew Kitchen  20Aleksei K Kasparov  21Young-Mi Kwon  1Pavel A Nikolskiy  21  22Carlos Peraza Lope  23Aurélie Manin  24  25Terrance Martin  26Michael Meyer  27Kelsey Noack Myers  28Mark Omura  29Jean-Marie Rouillard  14  30Elena Y Pavlova  21  31Paul Sciulli  32Mikkel-Holger S Sinding  7  18  33Andrea Strakova  1Varvara V Ivanova  34Christopher Widga  35Eske Willerslev  7Vladimir V Pitulko  21Ian Barnes  11M Thomas P Gilbert  7  36Keith M Dobney  8  37Ripan S Malhi  38  39Elizabeth P Murchison  40Greger Larson  41Laurent A F Frantz  41  42

The evolutionary history of dogs in the Americas

Máire Ní Leathlobhair et al. Science..


Dogs were present in the Americas before the arrival of European colonists, but the origin and fate of these precontact dogs are largely unknown. We sequenced 71 mitochondrial and 7 nuclear genomes from ancient North American and Siberian dogs from time frames spanning ~9000 years. Our analysis indicates that American dogs were not derived from North American wolves. Instead, American dogs form a monophyletic lineage that likely originated in Siberia and dispersed into the Americas alongside people. After the arrival of Europeans, native American dogs almost completely disappeared, leaving a minimal genetic legacy in modern dog populations. The closest detectable extant lineage to precontact American dogs is the canine transmissible venereal tumor, a contagious cancer clone derived from an individual dog that lived up to 8000 years ago.

Copyright © 2018 The Authors, some rights reserved; exclusive licensee American Association for the Advancement of Science. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

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Conflict of interest statement

Competing interests: A.D., J.E, and J-M.R. are employees of Arbor Biosciences which provided target enrichment kits used in this study. J-M.R. is also a founder of Arbor Biosciences. KD currently holds honorary Professor positions in the Departments of Archaeology at both the University of Aberdeen and Simon Fraser University. A significant portion of the research included in this paper (along with associated NERC funding) was also undertaken whilst KD was a full-time member of faculty at the University of Aberdeen. A.R.B. is founder and CSO of Embark Veterinary.


Figure 1
Figure 1. Sample location and ancestry of pre-contact dogs
a.A map depicting the location and age of the archeological remains analyzed in this study. Each dot represents a single sample, and multiple samples per archeological site are grouped in boxes. Sites mentioned in the text are labelled.b. A tip calibrated Bayesian mitochondrial phylogenetic tree of dogs, within haplogroup A. This analysis was conducted with 71 novel ancient mitogenomes together with 145 publicly available mitogenomes from both modern and ancient canids (3) (Fig. S6). Red branches represent modern dogs. Blue horizontal bars on nodes represent 95% High Density Posterior age. The grey shaded area represents the time frame during which people entered the Americas (–12)c. A neighbor-joining tree built with whole genomes (3).d An admixture graph constructed withTreeMix (based on transversions; (3)) depicting the relationship between PCD (including the Port Du Choix [AL3194] and Weyanoke Old Town [AL3223] samples) and other dog and wolf populations. We only used Greenland dogs and Malamute (American Arctic dogs) for this analysis as these are the least admixed with Western Eurasian dogs (3).
Figure 2
Figure 2. Legacy of pre-contact dogs in modern american dogs
a. A map showing the locations of dog populations obtained from (9) and their degree of relatedness (D-statistics) with the ~4ky old Port au Choix dog (AL3194; see (3) and Fig. S14). Higher values (in red) represent closer relatedness.b. A map depicting the multiple introductions of dogs into the Americas.
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Comment in

  • America's lost dogs.
    Goodman L, Karlsson EK.Goodman L, et al.Science. 2018 Jul 6;361(6397):27-28. doi: 10.1126/science.aau1306. Epub 2018 Jul 5.Science. 2018.PMID:29976811No abstract available.

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