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doi: 10.7717/peerj.4338. eCollection 2018.

A new slider turtle (Testudines: Emydidae: Deirochelyinae:Trachemys) from the late Hemphillian (late Miocene/early Pliocene) of eastern Tennessee and the evolution of the deirochelyines


A new slider turtle (Testudines: Emydidae: Deirochelyinae:Trachemys) from the late Hemphillian (late Miocene/early Pliocene) of eastern Tennessee and the evolution of the deirochelyines

Steven E Jasinski. PeerJ..


Trachemys (Testudines: Emydidae) represents one of the most well-known turtle genera today. The evolution ofTrachemys, while being heavily documented with fossil representatives, is not well understood. Numerous fossils from the late Hemphillian Gray Fossil Site (GFS) in northeastern Tennessee help to elucidate its evolution. The fossilTrachemys at the GFS represent a new species. The new taxon,Trachemys haugrudi, is described, and currently represents the most thoroughly described fossil emydid species known. A phylogenetic analysis, including 31 species, focusing on the subfamily Deirochelyinae is performed that includes the new fossil species, along with numerous other modern and fossil deirochelyine species, representing the first phylogenetic analysis published that includes several fossil deirochelyines. The phylogenetic analysis, utilizing morphological evidence, provides monophyletic clades of all modern deirochelyines, includingChrysemys,Deirochelys,Pseudemys,Malaclemys,Graptemys, andTrachemys. A strict consensus tree finds the recently described fossil speciesGraptemys kerneri to be part of a clade ofGraptemys +Malaclemys. Three fossil taxa, including one previously referred toPseudemys (Pseudemys caelata) and two toDeirochelys (Deirochelys carri andDeirochelys floridana) are found to form a clade with modernDeirochelys reticularia reticularia, withD. floridana sister to the other members of the clade.Chrysemys is found to be part of a basal polytomy withDeirochelys in relation to other deirochelyine taxa. Two fossil taxa previously referred toChrysemys (Chrysemys timida andChrysemys williamsi) form a paraphyly with the modernChrysemys picta picta andDeirochelys, and may be referable to distinct genera. Additionally, fossil taxa previously attributed toTrachemys (Trachemys hillii,Trachemys idahoensis,Trachemys inflata, andTrachemys platymarginata) andT. haugrudi are found to form a clade separate from clades of northern and southernTrachemys species, potentially suggesting a distinct lineage ofTrachemys with no modern survivors. Hypotheses of phylogenetic relationships mostly agree between the present study and previous ones, although the inclusion of fossil taxa provides further clues to the evolution of parts of the Deirochelyinae. The inclusion of more fossil taxa and characters may help resolve the placement of some taxa, and further elucidate the evolution of these New World turtles.

Keywords: Deirochelyinae; Emydidae; Fossil turtle; Gray Fossil Site; Hemphillian; New species; Phylogeny; Taxonomy; Tennessee; Trachemys.

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Figure 1
Figure 1. Map of Eastern United States showing location (marked by a star) of Gray Fossil Site in Washington County, East Tennessee, USA.
Figure 2
Figure 2. Comparison of dorsal views of nuchals of fossilTrachemys species.
(A)Trachemys haugrudi, ETMNH–8549; (B)Trachemys inflata, UF 12460; (C)Trachemys platymarginata, UF 10046; (D)Trachemys idahoensis, USNM 12059. Nuchals scaled to approximately equal sizes for comparison.
Figure 3
Figure 3.Trachemys haugrudi, holotype shell (ETMNH–8549).
(A) Dorsal view of carapace; (B) line drawing of carapace in dorsal view, with bones outlined in black and scutes outlined in gray; and (C) with scutes outlined in black and bones outlined in gray. Missing portions are shaded in gray. Scale bar is 10 cm.
Figure 4
Figure 4.Trachemys haugrudi, holotype shell (ETMNH–8549).
(A) Ventral view of plastron; (B) line drawing of plastron in dorsal view, with bones outlined in black and scutes outlined in gray; and (C) with scutes outlined in black and bones outlined in gray. Scale bar is 10 cm.
Figure 5
Figure 5.Trachemys haugrudi, holotype shell (ETMNH–8549).
(A) Shell in left lateral view; (B) line drawing of shell in left lateral view, with bones outlined in black and scutes outlined in gray; (C) with scutes outlined in black and bones outlined in gray; (D) shell in anterior view; and (E) shell in posterior view. Scale bar is 10 cm.
Figure 6
Figure 6.Trachemys haugrudi, paratype skull (ETMNH–3562).
(A) Dorsal portion of skull in right lateral view; (B) ventral portion of skull in right lateral view; (C) ventral portion of skull in left lateral view; (D) reconstruction of skull in right lateral view; (E) ventral portion of skull in anterior (or rostral) view; (F) ventral portion of skull in posterior (or caudal) view. ang, angular; art, articular; cs, crista supraoccipitalis; den, dentary; fr, frontal; ju, jugal; mx, maxilla; pa, parietal; pf, prefrontal; pm, premaxilla; po, postorbital; qj, quadratojugal; qu, quadrate; so, supraoccipital; sq, squamosal; sur, surangular. Area shaded gray is not preserved and has been reconstructed. Scale bars are 1 cm.
Figure 7
Figure 7.Trachemys haugrudi, paratype skull (ETMNH–3562) in dorsal view.
(A) Dorsal portion in dorsal view; (B) ventral portion in dorsal view; (C) reconstruction of skull in dorsal view. Area shaded gray is not preserved and has been reconstructed. Dotted lines represent sutures that were not clear in the specimen. Skull has been reconstructed in the slightly deformed state the specimen is in in real life. cs, crista supraoccipitalis; den, dentary; ?ex, ?exoccipital; fr, frontal; ?ju, ?jugal; mx, maxilla; ?op, ?opisthotic; pa, parietal; pf, prefrontal; pm, premaxilla; po, postorbital; ?pr, prootic; ?qj, ?quadratojugal; ?qu, ?quadrate; so, supraoccipital; ?sq, ?squamosal. Scale bars are 1 cm.
Figure 8
Figure 8.Trachemys haugrudi, paratype skull (ETMNH–3562) in ventral view.
(A) Dorsal portion in ventral view; (B) ventral portion in ventral; (C) reconstruction of skull in ventral view. Area shaded lighter gray represents the lower jaw that is still connected to the rest of the skull. Area shaded darker gray is not preserved and has been reconstructed. Dotted lines represent sutures that were not clear in the specimen. Skull has been reconstructed in the slightly deformed state the specimen is in in real life. ?ang, ?angular; ?art, ?articular; bs, basispehnoid; den, dentary; ju, jugal; mx, maxilla; pal, palatine; pm, premaxilla; pt, pterygoid; qj, quadratojugal; qu, quadrate; vo, vomer. Scale bars are 1 cm.
Figure 9
Figure 9.Trachemys haugrudi, cervical vertebrae in right lateral view.
(A–F) ETMNH–8549 (holotype), (A) cervical vertebra 2 (axis) in right lateral view; (B) cervical vertebra 3; (C) cervical vertebra 4; (D) cervical vertebra 5; (E) cervical vertebra 6; (F) cervical vertebra 7. ETMNH–12832 (paratype), (G) cervical vertebra 8. Scale bar is 1 cm.
Figure 10
Figure 10.Trachemys haugrudi, holotype dorsal and caudal vertebrae (ETMNH–8549) in right lateral view.
(A) Anterior dorsal vertebra; (B) median dorsal vertebra; (C) posterior dorsal vertebra; (D) posterior dorsal vertebra (same as in C), in posterior view; (E) proximal caudal vertebra; (F) medioproximal caudal vertebra; (G) median caudal vertebra; (H) mediodistal caudal vertebra; (I) distal caudal vertebra. Scale bar is 5 mm.
Figure 11
Figure 11.Trachemys haugrudi, various appendicular specimens from holotype (ETMNH–8549).
Right humerus in (A) dorsal view; (B) ventral view. Left ilium in (C) medial view; (D) lateral view. Left scapula in (E), anterior (or cranial) view; (F) posterior (or caudal) view. Left fibula in (G) dorsal view; (H) ventral view. Left metatarsal V in (I) dorsal (or proximal) view; (J) ventral (or distal) view. Scale bars are 2 cm for (A–H); 5 mm for (I–J).
Figure 12
Figure 12. Phylogenetic relationships of deirochelyine emydids supported by this study based on morphologic data constrained by a molecular backbone.
See text and appendices for details. Intergeneric relationships of modern taxa constrained based on molecular phylogenetic analysis presented by Spinks et al. (2016, fig. 5). Analysis includes the emydineClemmys guttata as the outgroup. The tree presented represents the strict consensus tree of deirochelyine relationships found in the phylogenetic analysis of 243 characters within 31 taxa. Clades listed are called out and discussed in the text. Thickened bars indicate age ranges for fossil taxa. Tree length equals 882 steps, consistency index equals 0.409, retention index equals 0.475. Numbers beside branches provide the bremer supports (first) and the bootstrap values (second). Numbers are shown for branches with bootstrap values greater than 50. A, Clade “A”; B, Clade “B”; C, Clade “C”; D, Clade “D”; E, Clade “E”; F, Clade “F”; G, Clade “G”; H, Clade “H”; I, Clade “I”; J, Clade “J”; K, Clade “K.”
Figure 13
Figure 13. Life reconstruction ofTrachemys haugrudi during the late Hemphillian at the Gray Fossil Site in eastern Tennessee.
Several taxa that would have lived alongsideT. haugrudi are also shown, including Caudata indeterminate,Tapirus polkensis, cf.Machairodus sp., andPristinailurus bristoli (Wallace & Wang, 2004; Boardman & Schubert, 2011b; Schubert, 2011; Jasinski, 2013a). Artwork by Mary P. Williams, with permission.
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Grants and funding

Funding was provided by the Department of Biological Sciences and the Department of Geosciences at East Tennessee State University, the Don Sundquist Center of Excellence in Paleontology, and the Graduate Professional Student Association, along with The State Museum of Pennsylvania. Additional support for this study was provided by the National Science Foundation (NSF grant 0958985; PIs S.C. Wallace and B.W. Schubert), particularly for the excavation of the fossil material from the Gray Fossil Site. There was no additional external funding received for this study. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.

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