Ecologic Features of Plague Outbreak Areas, Democratic Republic of the Congo, 2004-2014
- PMID:29350136
- PMCID: PMC5782875
- DOI: 10.3201/eid2402.160122
Ecologic Features of Plague Outbreak Areas, Democratic Republic of the Congo, 2004-2014
During 2004-2014, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) declared 54% of plague cases worldwide. Using national data, we characterized the epidemiology of human plague in DRC for this period. All 4,630 suspected human plague cases and 349 deaths recorded in DRC came from Orientale Province. Pneumonic plague cases (8.8% of total) occurred during 2 major outbreaks in mining camps in the equatorial forest, and some limited outbreaks occurred in the Ituri highlands. Epidemics originated in 5 health zones clustered in Ituri, where sporadic bubonic cases were recorded throughout every year. Classification and regression tree characterized this cluster by the dominance of ecosystem 40 (mountain tropical climate). In conclusion, a small, stable, endemic focus of plague in the highlands of the Ituri tropical region persisted, acting as a source of outbreaks in DRC.
Keywords: Democratic Republic of the Congo; Plague; Yersinia pestis; bacteria; ecology; environment; epidemiology; risk factors; zoonoses.

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