Viral Hepatitis Strategic Information to Achieve Elimination by 2030: Key Elements for HIV Program Managers
- PMID:29246882
- PMCID: PMC5747598
- DOI: 10.2196/publichealth.7370
Viral Hepatitis Strategic Information to Achieve Elimination by 2030: Key Elements for HIV Program Managers
Evidence documenting the global burden of disease from viral hepatitis was essential for the World Health Assembly to endorse the first Global Health Sector Strategy (GHSS) on viral hepatitis in May 2016. The GHSS on viral hepatitis proposes to eliminate viral hepatitis as a public health threat by 2030. The GHSS on viral hepatitis is in line with targets for HIV infection and tuberculosis as part of the Sustainable Development Goals. As coordination between hepatitis and HIV programs aims to optimize the use of resources, guidance is also needed to align the strategic information components of the 2 programs. The World Health Organization monitoring and evaluation framework for viral hepatitis B and C follows an approach similar to the one of HIV, including components on the following: (1) context (prevalence of infection), (2) input, (3) output and outcome, including the cascade of prevention and treatment, and (4) impact (incidence and mortality). Data systems that are needed to inform this framework include (1) surveillance for acute hepatitis, chronic infections, and sequelae and (2) program data documenting prevention and treatment, which for the latter includes a database of patients. Overall, the commonalities between HIV and hepatitis at the strategic, policy, technical, and implementation levels justify coordination, strategic linkage, or integration, depending on the type of HIV and viral hepatitis epidemics. Strategic information is a critical area of this alignment under the principle of what gets measured gets done. It is facilitated because the monitoring and evaluation frameworks for HIV and viral hepatitis were constructed using a similar approach. However, for areas where elimination of viral hepatitis requires data that cannot be collected through the HIV program, collaborations are needed with immunization, communicable disease control, tuberculosis, and hepatology centers to ensure collection of information for the remaining indicators.
Keywords: HIV; evaluation; hepatitis; surveillance.
©Yvan Hutin, Daniel Low-Beer, Isabel Bergeri, Sarah Hess, Jesus Maria Garcia-Calleja, Chika Hayashi, Antons Mozalevskis, Annemarie Rinder Stengaard, Keith Sabin, Hande Harmanci, Marc Bulterys. Originally published in JMIR Public Health and Surveillance (, 15.12.2017.
Conflict of interest statement
Conflicts of Interest: None declared.
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