A genetic linkage map of 27 loci from PND to FY on the short arm of human chromosome I
- PMID:2902785
- PMCID: PMC1715484
A genetic linkage map of 27 loci from PND to FY on the short arm of human chromosome I
A genetic linkage map of 27 loci on the short arm of human chromosome 1 has been developed by analysis of the 40 families in the Centre d'Etude du Polymorphisme Humain (CEPH) reference panel. Probes that recognize 14 novel RFLPs at loci designated D1S9-D1S22 were isolated from a flow-sorted chromosome 1 library. A linkage map of chromosome 1p was constructed from the genotypic data at these 14 loci, RFLPs at eight cloned genes (PND, ALPL, FUCA1, SRC2, MYCL, GLUT, TSHB, and NGFB), two previously identified RFLPs (D1S2 and D1S57), two blood group antigens (RH and FY), and the isozyme PGM1. All 27 loci form a continuous linkage group, from FY to PND, of 102 cM in males and 230 cM in females. This map provides a basis for highly informative multipoint mapping studies for most of the short arm of chromosome 1.
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