20 °C-A Short History of the Standard Reference Temperature for Industrial Dimensional Measurements
- PMID:27110451
- PMCID: PMC4654601
- DOI: 10.6028/jres.112.001
20 °C-A Short History of the Standard Reference Temperature for Industrial Dimensional Measurements
One of the basic principles of dimensional metrology is that a part dimension changes with temperature because of thermal expansion. Since 1931 industrial lengths have been defined as the size at 20 °C. This paper discusses the variety of standard temperatures that were in use before that date, the efforts of C.E. Johansson to meet these variations, and the effort by the National Bureau of Standards to bring the United States to the eventual world standard.
Keywords: C. E. Johansson; S. W. Stratton; dimensional metrology; gage blocks; gauge blocks; reference temperature.
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All of the notes on Bureau staff are derived from R.C. Cochrane, Measures for Progress, National Bureau of Standards, 1966.
1909-11-13, Letter, Guillaume to Stratton.
- The International Bureau of Weights and Measures 1875–1975, translation of the BIPM Centennial Volume. May, 1975. p. 420. (NBS Special Publication).
1909-10-21, Letter, Guillaume (BIPM) to SWS.
1909-11-13, Letter, Stratton to Guillaume.
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