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.2014 Feb;5(1):38-56.
doi: 10.1177/2042098613505614.

Pregabalin: latest safety evidence and clinical implications for the management of neuropathic pain


Pregabalin: latest safety evidence and clinical implications for the management of neuropathic pain

Cory Toth. Ther Adv Drug Saf.2014 Feb.


Used mainly for the management of neuropathic pain, pregabalin is a gabapentinoid or anticonvulsant that was initially developed as an antiepileptic agent. After more than a decade of experience with pregabalin, experience and studies have shown that the adverse effect profile of pregabalin is well tolerated for the management of neuropathic pain and other conditions. Its use is associated with benign central nervous system and systemic adverse effects, and there are very limited metabolic, idiosyncratic or known teratogenic adverse effects. Along with its efficacy in particular neuropathic pain conditions, pregabalin's safety led it to be one of the first pharmacotherapies considered for the management of neuropathic pain. This review discusses the use of pregabalin as well as its potential adverse effects, including the most commonly noted features of sedation, dizziness, peripheral edema and dry mouth. Although other adverse effects may occur, these appear to be uncommon. The review also discusses the clinical implications of pregabalin's use for the clinician.

Keywords: adverse effects; anticonvulsant drugs; epilepsy; neuropathic pain; pregabalin; review; safety.

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Conflict of interest statement

Conflict of interest statement: Dr Toth has received funding for basic science and clinical research from the Canadian Institutes for Health Research, the Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, Pfizer Canada, Valeant Canada, Lilly Canada and Baxter International. He has received speaking honoraria from Pfizer Canada, Valeant Canada and Lilly Canada.

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