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.2013 Feb;193(2):317-25.
doi: 10.1534/genetics.112.145284.

The genetics of canine skull shape variation


The genetics of canine skull shape variation

Jeffrey J Schoenebeck et al. Genetics.2013 Feb.


A dog's craniofacial diversity is the result of continual human intervention in natural selection, a process that began tens of thousands of years ago. To date, we know little of the genetic underpinnings and developmental mechanisms that make dog skulls so morphologically plastic. In this Perspectives, we discuss the origins of dog skull shapes in terms of history and biology and highlight recent advances in understanding the genetics of canine skull shapes. Of particular interest are those molecular genetic changes that are associated with the development of distinct breeds.

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Figure 1
Figure 1
A montage of canine craniofacial shape demonstrates the incredible morphologic diversity ofCanis familiaris. Dorsal, lateral, and ventral perspectives of various breeds of dogs. Lateral views are articulated so that the skull base (red line, wolf) is approximately parallel between breeds. Prominent differences across breeds include palate shape (p, indicated by white dots), neurocranium shape (nc, enclosed by blue dots), cranial base length (cb, red line). Also note the angle of the palate relative to the cranial base.
Figure 2
Figure 2
Canine skull length is a complex trait. (A) Surface scans of a wolf skull morphed to illustrate the differences between brachycephalic, ancestral, and dolichocephalic skull states of canids are shown. Brachycephalic dog breeds have a shortened rostrum (ros), wide zygomatic arches (za), and a rounded neurocranium (nc). In a dolichocephalic dog, the width of the rostrum and zygomatic arches is reduced, and the rostrum tilts ventrally relative to the neurocranium. (B) GWAS of skull length demonstrates that multiple QTL are highly associated with face length. Each dot represents a single marker (a SNP). They-axis represents the strength of the association [−log10(P-value)]. Thex-axis lists marker location by chromosome. Statistically significant associations that exceed correction for multiple testing are indicated in blue. Figure is adapted with permission (Schoenebecket al. 2012).
Figure 3
Figure 3
Craniofacial diversity exists between and within breed dogs. White strips highlight the palate (left) and brainstem (right) in each skull example. (A) The continuum of airorhynchic and klinorhynchic dog breeds, arranged in order of severity. Examples include a Pekingese (1), French bulldog (2), Chow Chow (3), Bernese Mountain Dog (4), German Shepherd (5), and Borzoi (6). (B) Bull terrier skulls demonstrate the continual morphological evolution in breed dogs. Skulls are arranged chronologically from the oldest (top) to the most modern (bottom). Figure is adapted with permission (Nussbaumer 1982).
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