Road traffic accidents before and after seatbelt legislation--study in a district general hospital
- PMID:2319551
- PMCID: PMC1292501
- DOI: 10.1177/014107689008300207
Road traffic accidents before and after seatbelt legislation--study in a district general hospital
Injuries among samples of car accident cases attending the Accident & Emergency (A & E) department of a District General Hospital (DGH) in the year before and after the introduction of seat belt legislation were classified applying the Abbreviated Injury Scale using information recorded in the patient case notes. Those who died or did not attend an A & E department were not included in the sampling frame. The number of those who escaped injury increased by 40% and those with mild and moderate injuries decreased by 35% after seatbelt legislation. There was a significant reduction in soft tissue injuries to the head. Only whiplash injuries to the neck showed a significant increase.
Comment in
- Road traffic accidents and seatbelts.Kahn MA.Kahn MA.J R Soc Med. 1990 Aug;83(8):536. doi: 10.1177/014107689008300827.J R Soc Med. 1990.PMID:2231589Free PMC article.No abstract available.
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